Kor-Azor Prime

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Kor-Azor Prime is the capital system of the Kor-Azor Family. It is in the Kor-Azor region and, at one jump from Amarr Prime, is (along with Sarum Prime) the closest of the Heir's capital systems to the Amarr home world. The system contains five planets; one temperate, one oceanic, one barren, and two gas giants.

Discovery and Exploration

Kor-Azor was known to the ancient Amarr, though in the whole it was an unimportant star. It is visible without a telescope, though it is not particularly bright in the night sky compared with closer, larger stars.

Physically, the system is 7.714 light years away from the Amarr home system, meaning it was not one of the first to be visited and explored. It took hundreds of years between the opening of the first stargate to Hedion before a gate was constructed to Kor-Azor. The system seemed rather uninteresting at first glance, though its connection to Amarr made it a valuable commodity.

The rising Kor-Azor Family was given control of the system. The family began to settle on the sole temperate world and began to build their strength. As was expected, the existence of a stargate from Amarr to the system made it valuable to traders, who would otherwise require a quite circuitous route to reach deeper systems. This quickly raised the profile of the system and made the Kor-Azor Family incredibly powerful over time.

During the Elder Invasion, the system was heavily hit by the Elder Fleet. A local station was heavily damaged[1] and planets were invaded by Minmatar troops.[2]


Today, the system's sun is known as “the Kor-Azor Star”, though prior to the rise of the Kor-Azor Family, it was named “Katari”. It is a relatively cool yellow subdwarf star. It has a surface temperature of 5274 K and an equatorial radius of 184400 km. It is roughly 4.25 billion years old, making it a middle-aged star. Combined with its relatively small size, the star is expected to be stable and maintain habitable worlds for several billion years.

Inner Planets

Kor-Azor Prime I

Thanks to its star's small size and its lack of atmosphere, the first planet in the system maintains a relatively low mean temperature. Dayside temperatures can rise to 700 K, but much of the heat is radiated away at night, when temperatures can dip close to 80 K.

The planet is barren and rocky, blasted by solar radiation and lacking much in the way of habitable areas. A few research and mining stations dot its surface, but no permanent settlements have been made.

Kor Azor-Prime II

A relatively unremarkable oceanic world, Kor-Azor Prime II is the second-most inhabited planet in the system. Several large, domed cities exist beneath its waves. As it sits comfortably in the habitable zone of the system, it has developed an extensive biosphere. Numerous aquatic species call the planet home, including one highly intelligent but short-lived species of mollusc that has been used extensively in laboratory tests on animal problem-solving abilities.

Perhaps most important is the abundance of a species of kelp that is high in nutrients. The kelp will grow in foreign waters, but only thrives in its native biome, making the planet the only major source. The kelp is used in several popular dishes, as well as in nutritional supplements.

Kor-Azor Prime III

A small, compact, visually bland icy gas giant, the system's third planet nevertheless provides an important source of helium-2 and other fuels. The planet is an almost uniform chalky-gray color, with little in the way of bands or storm spots.

Deep within the planet, however, hides several more interesting features. The middle of the planet is quite warm, which contrasts strongly with the cool outer layers. This inner layer is wracked by some of the most intense storms in the cluster. A non-convective layer separates the inner and outer atmospheres, causing the planet to be of scientific interest. Several research stations float precariously in the non-convective layer to monitor the inner layer. Occasionally, accidents have caused these stations to plunge into the storms below, never to be heard from again.

Outer Planets


The fourth planet in the system is the sole temperate world and is the capital of the Kor-Azor Family. Despite being over 7 AU from the system's star, the planet has a thick atmosphere that keeps it warm and comfortable at a mean temperature of 286 K. The planet has nearly as much land cover as ocean, with small seas and large landmasses, many of which are connected by thin land-bridges. It is, in fact, possible to walk from one of the planet's poles to another, only rarely crossing a man-made bridge.

The planet has an extremely long year, taking nearly ten Universal Standard years to make one orbit around its sun. This has led to an extremely unusual biosphere. Native lifeforms tend to live in cycles, with one species dominating an area for the warm seasons and another dominating for the cold seasons. Very few species remain active year-round.

As the capital of the Kor-Azor Family, the planet tends to serve more as an administrative world than an economically productive one. The heir of the family holds court from his palace, which has massive bronze doors currently adorned with imagery of Doriam II's reign.

The planet remains a fairly important trade hub, with valuable goods from across the cluster purchasable on its surface.

The planet underwent a brief decline when Aritcio Kor-Azor first assumed power of the Family, as his erratic ways drove away business and trade. However, following his punishment at the hands of Brother Joshua[3], the planet has recovered.

During the Elder War, Eclipticum was one of the first planets targeted by the Elder Fleet. Kor-Azor Family security forces fought in defense of the planet[2] until Jamyl Sarum arrived with Naval forces to drive out the invaders.[4]

Until recently, the planet had a different name. Following Doriam II's victory at the Amarr Championships, he renamed the planet Eclipticum in honor of his champion, Ecliptical. Similarly, the planet's moons were renamed in honor of his wingmen. This is believed to be the only planet in the cluster officially named after a capsuleer.

Kor-Azor Prime V

Colder than its fellow gas giant in the system, the fifth planet in Kor-Azor Prime is also much more colorful. It has several bands of grays, browns, and yellows, with a few small storms visible sweeping through its atmosphere. Unlike its fellow gas giant, the planet is unremarkable scientifically. There are some gas harvesting outposts, but the planet is otherwise mostly ignored.

See Also


  1. News: Minmatar invasion leaves trail of destruction: http://www.eveonline.com/news.asp?a=single&nid=2143&tid=2
  2. 2.0 2.1 News: REPORT: SECOND MINMATAR-THUKKER ARMADA INVADES AMARR EMPIRE: http://www.eveonline.com/news.asp?a=single&nid=2110&tid=4
  3. Chronicle: The Speaker of Truths: http://www.eveonline.com/background/potw/default.asp?cid=11-04-07
  4. News: BREAKING NEWS: IMPERIAL NAVY EMERGES IN KOR-AZOR REGION WITH JAMYL SARUM, ELDER FLEETS RETREATING: http://www.eveonline.com/news.asp?a=single&nid=2166&tid=8
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