Pandemic Horde (Player alliance)

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Introduction to Pandemic Horde

Founded by members of Pandemic Legion (aka PL), Pandemic Horde is a continuation of the eagerness to teach and explain EVE Online to the new player. Over its near ten year existance, PL have been involved with numerous new player organizations but problems arose when the leadership of those groups got in the way.

Pandemic Horde is a sister alliance to Pandemic Legion, much like Waffles, except the goal isn't to be a feeder group. The goal with this group is to not have it be a stepping stone for someone to simply progress into Waffles or Pandemic Legion, though Horde members could end up in either should they choose to pursue that. Instead, our goal is to have Pandemic Horde thought of more so as a training ground, a dojo, or a State College where the players both new and old can learn off of one another as well as the members of Pandemic Legion and Waffles.

The ideal is that every member, regardless of if they're a two day old newbie or a 3 year PVP free veteran, that comes to Pandemic Horde gets as much education in an area as they are seeking as they want. Pandemic Legion has been around for nearly a decade and Waffles have been around almost as long, which allows for an overflowing fountain of knowledge to be offered.

The Great Kickstarter War

In November 2015 The Mittani, Leader of Goonswarm Federation (CONDI), and The Imperium, declared war on Pandemic Horde (REKTD). During his State of the Goonion, The Mittani stated that Pandemic Horde was forming a coalition to attack The Imperium. Out numbered 15:1 (good odds for any Newbean) and not actually forming a coalition. Pandemic Horde moved assets days before the announcement, and during the announcement moved to a new region. Before leaving the leader of Pandemic Horde (REKTD) Gobbins changed the vulnerability timers. Delaying the invasion force before it even begun. Thus The Great Kickstarter War began.

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