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The Intaki are a major bloodline within the Gallente Federation and one of its four founding members along with the Gallente, the Mannar and the Caldari. Their homeworld is the fifth planet of the Intaki solar system, in the Virette constilation of the Placid region.

As a people, the Intaki are known for having thoughtfull and reserved personalities; they have the greatest reputation for being diplomats and artisans. While mostly integrated into Gallente culture, they cling to many of their older traditions, especialy their spiritual beliefs.

Because of political turmoil during the first Gallente-Caldari War, a number of Intaki were forced out of the Federation, eventuly forming what is now the Intaki Syndicate.


Intaki V has a reputation for some of the greatest natural beauty in the Federation if not the known universe. In a speach, Vremaja Idama describes it:

"Intaki V is a jewel among planets. It is tropical and filled with diverse lifeforms. We have lived and grown on this planet for time beyond measure.

I was born in the town of Asaya, sitting at the base of the Akat mountain range. These mountains mark the southern end of the habitable region of the north pole. My town was hidden from the harsh sunlight in the deep valleys that intersect the mountain range. Intaki V is a very hot world, and both polar regions were once thick with tropical forests. The equitorial oceans are exceedingly hot, and few living things survive around the equator. The rich and varied life of Intaki V has been confined to the polar regions, and in constant struggle for land, food, and shelter from the environment."

In contrast to the beauty of the planet's surface, the Intaki solar system has a 0.1 security status rating from CONCORD and similarly low sec status throughout most of the Placid region, with the elevated crime rates that come with it. This has been a source of political contention, especialy among capsuleers.

History and Politics

The first contact between the Gallente and the Intaki was made in 22794 AD, 327 years before the founding of the Federation. At the time the Intaki society was technologicaly primitive but socialy and culturaly advanced.


Ida - The Intaki Faith

Notable Individuals

The current President of the Gallente Federation, Souro Foiritan is of Intaki ancestery. It was a sudden surge in voting from Intaki and Mannar citizens that secured his victory over Mentas Blaque, whose nationalistic campain platform included a proposal to segrigate communities of non-Gallentian immigrants.

A coupple of Idama have made headlines among the capsuleer community in past years:

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