Holder's Plight II: Utar's Rebellion

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Holder's Plight II: Utar's Rebellion is a sequel to the first Holder's Plight movie.


The movie begins with Utar, the corrupt holder from the first Holder's Plight movie, plotting with other slaves to launch a rebellion against Lord Janerius. After Lord Janerius leaves on a business trip, Utar launches a rebellion and kidnaps the slaver from the first movie. Captain Kovar leads an attack, and is wounded during the attack.
When Lord Janerius returns, he orders yet another attack, and Captain Kovar is transported to a hospital. After a large battle, Utar is imprisoned and the Slaver is killed. Utar then escapes and attacks Lord Janerius. The two fight in a brawl, and Utar orders a pack of Slaver Hounds to attack him with his famous quote: "Let me show you what it's like to be a slave.". Lord Janerius responds with his also famous quote: "How about I show you God's strength?"
Captain Kovar shoots the Slaver Hounds, revealing that his 'wounding' was a hoax. Utar then escapes and hijacks a frigate. Captain Kovar attacks Utar with a Armageddon, but is ordered by Lord Janerius not to destroy the Frigate when Utar reveals that he placed bombs all over a Festivel.
Utar escapes, and returns with a fleet of Blood Raiders who attack Captain Kovar, who is still in orbit. After Paladins defuse the bombs at the festivel, Lord Janerius orders Captain Kovar to destroy Utar and the Fleet.
As the Blood Raider Fleet and Kovar's Ship is destroyed, Kovar crash-lands into Janerius's Command Station with his escape pod, and the two fight in a brawl until Janerius snaps Utars neck.
Utar's army of slaves are subsequently executed, and Lord Janerius morns that he had to "Kill so many fruitful souls before they could see the light".
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