Holder's Plight

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Holder's Plight is about a holder named Lord Janerius who owns a small continent in the Aridia Region. It tells the tales of how Lord Janerius follows God and fights against Heathen and resists the enemies of the Faith.


The movie begins with Lord Janerius being alerted that Blood Raider ships have raided one of his Convoys. Lord Janerius sends out his trusted friend Captain Kovar to find the Blood Raiders. Captain Kovar takes a Armageddon and attacks the Blood Raiders, who reveal to him that Lord Janerius has a trader in his mist.
After Lord Janerius finds out that the Holder of the planet he controls a continent on is corrupt, Lord Janerius tries to bring the case to the Theology Council but is ambushed by the Holder's Private Fleet. After a massive battle, Lord Janerius and Captain Kovar crash-land in the slums of a city on the planet. The two are forced to elude assassins and Blood Raiders until they find help from one of the Holder's Slavers.
The Slaver, Captain Kovar, and Lord Janerius hijack a Bestower and then discreetly fit it with weapons before they attack the corrupt Holder's ship, which is leaving orbit to meet with the Blood Raiders. The Slaver sends out his Slaver Hounds and Slaves to board the Holder's Ship once they breach the hull, and Lord Janerius and Captain Kovar follow them.
After the ship is tooken over, Lord Janerius imprisons the corrupt Holder onboard the Bestower and the slaves, Lord Janerius, the Slaver, and Captain Kovar head towards a Theology Council Tribunal. As they reach the Stargate into the system with the tribunal, they are attacked by Blood Raiders again and are taken hostage. However, the Slaver and the Slaver Hounds manage to elude the Blood Raiders, and later rescue Lord Janerius, the slaves, and Captain Kovar.
They then board a Smuggler Station and fight through the station until they find the corrupt Holder. They then alert the Imperial Navy, who sends ships to rescue them. The group then heads to the Tribunal, where the corrupt Holder is given as a slave to Lord Janerius.

Lord Janerius then gains control of the entire solar system the corrupt Holder held a planet in, and he frees the slaves that fought for him.


The film was met with much joy by Sanctum/Dakba V's population, and propelled Kolok Bavari, aka Lord Janerius, into Super-Star Status.
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