ISK The Guide
ISK - Industrial-Sized Knowledgebase
The Ultimate guide about EVE Online
ISK The Guide Vol. 1:
No matter whether you are a beginner on a 14-day trial account or a veteran trader, maybe a fierce pirate, a determined miner, a pilot who has years of experience in mission running or a three-month-in noob - there is no pilot who has tried and done everything or knows all there is to know about EVE. Beginner or expert, this Guide - known as the Industrial-Sized Knowledgebase - is for you!
Expertly written by a number of specialists in their field, and officially endorsed by CCP, this guide covers just about everything you can do in EVE. If you need to know something, just look it up in this book. Of course you do not have to commit everything to memory; just open the ISK the Guide Vol. 1 and you will find your answer.
English / Hungarian:
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ISK The Guide Vol. 2:
A new guide was written by the ISK team. This guide tries to help the new players who familiarizes themselves with the universe of EVE. This time the guide attempts to introduce the complex world of PvP (Player versus Player).
Despite the already-known game mechanism, the PvP will not be a predicted activity since the enemies are other human players, so you must be prepared against not the game’s Artificial Intelligence but another human mind, attitude, psyche. Be ready: as there are many players, there are endless different strategies, numerous ships, setups, battle situations: all of them give the real variety, which makes our adrenalin “green light”. Sooner or later, the PvP will be the part of the game why you are playing EVE Online for. You may find thousands of other things to explore, to learn, to experience, to try, but none of them, nor their causalities, will give you real excitement like the PvP and its intensity, the real enemies: the challenges to defeat other players, and protect yourself against them.
Good luck! An advice: Don’t panic, and never give up!
English / Hungarian:
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ISK The Guide Vol. 3:
A new guide was written by the ISK team. This guide tries to help the new players who familiarizes themselves with the FPS side of the EVE universe.
Work with teammates. This means both aiding them when you're nearby, keeping track of them and moving with them. It also means taking advantage of them in order to flank enemies. I won't lie about the importance of knowing your weapon's abilities and limitations. I won't go on about how X gun is vs Y gun or how AR's are too perfect. I will just say to know your limits and work within them. Knowing what is ahead of you however, whether you can see it or not, is but a small fraction of tactical and strategic knowledge on the battlefield. The trick is to know what is around you, or at least likely to be, nearly 100% of the time.
Don't forget the Golden rule of Dust 514:
"Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at."
ISK Vol. 1 (It was ISK 2.0 and ISK 3.0)
The first edition came out in 12.05.2009 in Hungarian language.
The first English edition came out on the 26.08.2010.
ISK Vol. 2 - Aka: PVP Guide
The first edition came out in 19.03.2012 in Hungarian language.
The first English edition planned release was 2012. 12. 05. - Failed by publisher's problem.
Update in progress. Planned release date: 2014. April's end
ISK Vol. 3 - Aka: Dust Guide
The first edition was completed at the Fanfest 2013. First release at 2013. July 27.
Version history
1.0 | 12.05.2009 | Hungarian pdf |
1.0.1 | 16.05.2009 | Hungarian pdf |
1.0.2 | 04.06.2009 | Hungarian pdf |
1.0.3 | 22.08.2009 | Hungarian pdf |
1.1.1 | 17.10.2009 | Hungarian pdf |
1.1.2 | 31.10.2009 | Hungarian pdf |
1.3 | 21.12.2009 | Hungarian pdf |
2.0 | 23.05.2010 | Hungarian pdf |
2.0.1 | 26.08.2010 | English pdf |
2.0.2 | 13.12.2010 | Hungarian pdf |
2.0.5 | 17.01.2011 | Hungarian pdf |
3.0 | 01.02.2011 | English pdf |
3.0 | 25.05.2011 | Korean pdf |
3.0 Vol 1. | 01.06.2011 | English Hardcopy |
3.0 Vol 1. - Incursion 1.4 | 27.07.2011 | English pdf |
2.7.0 | 28.08.2011 | Hungarian pdf |
2.8.5 | 14.12.2011 | Hungarian pdf |
2.9.0 - Crucible 1.1.3 | 10.02.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Crucible 1.5.2 | 18.03.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 2 - Crucible 1.5.2 (PVP Guide) | 19.03.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 2 - Crucible 1.6 (PVP Guide) | 31.03.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Inferno 1.0.6 | 04.06.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Inferno 1.1.5 | 04.07.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 2 - Inferno 1.1.5 (PVP Guide) | 04.07.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Inferno 1.2 | 11.08.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 2 - Inferno 1.2 (PVP Guide) | 10.09.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Retribution 1.0.4 | 15.12.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 2 - Retribution 1.0.4 (PVP Guide) | 15.12.2012 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 3 - Chromosome (Dust Guide - UnReleased!) | 20.04.2013 | English pdf - Unreleased! |
ISK Vol. 2 - Retribution 1.1.6 (PVP Guide) | 04.05.2013 | Hungarian pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Odyssey 1.0.16 | 27.07.2013 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 3 - Uprising 1.2 | 27.07.2013 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 3 - Uprising 1.3 | 03.08.2013 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 3 - Uprising 1.3.2 | 10.08.2013 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 3 - Uprising 1.4 | 04.09.2013 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Odyssey 1.1.4 | 13.09.2013 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 3 - Uprising 1.5 | 08.10.2013 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 3 - Uprising 1.6 | 05.11.2013 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Rubicon 1.3.2 | 24.03.2014 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 3 - Uprising 1.8 | 03.04.2014 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 2 - Rubicon 1.3.2 - Teaser (Chapter 1-2) | 26.04.2014 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Crius 1.8 | 12.08.2014 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Hyperion 1.2 | 01.09.2014 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Phoebe 1.6 | 29.11.2014 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Rhea 1.0 | 10.12.2014 | English pdf |
ISK Vol. 1 - Proteus 1.1 | 18.01.2015 | English pdf |
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