Oust the Claimjumpers gallente
Oust the Claimjumpers gallente
Single poket :
When you warp in, there is a single mixed group. Aggro is automatic.
Initial Group:
2x Gallente Heavy Missile Battery
5x Gallente Cruise Missile Battery
2x Tower Sentry Gallente III
2x Gallente Energy Neutralizer Sentry III
2x Gallente Stasis Tower
12x Battleships Federation (Praktor Hyperion, Covinus, Praktor Navis Praetor, Praktor Hyperion, Praktor Hexeris, Praktor Phanix, Praktor Praeses)
6x Elite Frigates Elite Federation (Libertus, Manica, Matara) Web/Scramble
- Spawn 1:
Triggered when the Last BS is popped from the Initial Group
4x Battleships Federation (Covinus, Navis Longa)
- Spawn 2:
Triggered when the Last BS is popped from the Spawn 1
4x Battleships Federation (Praktor Phanix, Praktor Hyperion)
- Spawn 3:
Triggered when the Last BS is popped from the Spawn 2
2x Battleships Federation (Praktor Polemo)
- Spawn 4:
Each Energy Neutralizer Tower III has 2 replacement spawns (e.g. Initial ENT --> Replacement Tower 1 --> Replacement Tower 2)
Once these 6 towers have been destroyed, the next spawn appears :
6x Elite Federation (Insidiator, Lixa, Lochos)
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