Talk:Advanced mining

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Revision as of 11:41, 6 January 2015 by Wilm0rien (Talk)

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I have begun updating this guide to reflect current info and use new tables and images. Not sure how long it will take to be fully done. Also, mods, I am curious if we can merge this with the Mining (Guide) page, as this covers everything from beginner mining through advanced. --Cal Hydar 09:44, 28 February 2009 (UTC)

First of all the article is way out of form to be a wiki article i.o. it goes too deep to issues, it has version numberings, introductions, oppinnions ("I suggest this, i suggest that") instead of facts, talks side of the article issue (basics of mining, refining) and it has misleading header names. After ironing those, quite big, issues it starts to be a wiki article. And yes, it should be merged to Mining (there is no need for disambiguation‎ as there is no other than one mining in the game). BlackSmith Sisunautti 10:25, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
Realistically, all guides on this wiki are opionated. Gaming strategy, as a whole, is opinionated, but I do agree it needs major cleanup still. I mainly worked on subbing tables for broken images and updating info. --Cal Hydar 10:41, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
Which is why wikis like this one are seldom taken seriously as information resources. If the Encyclopedia Britannica can resist putting the words "miserable failure" in their entry about George W. Bush, you'd think we'd be able to maintain at least a few objective standards. But then, the smaller the stakes, the more vicious the game... --Tatterdemalian 22:55, 26 March 2009 (UTC)
This article is a bad copyright-violating paste of Halada's 2007 mining guide. Large portions of the page are inaccurate, as was the guide. See the basic mining guide for a good comparison. I'm going to suggest, at a minimum:
  • Break the page down into sub-pages.
  • Mining ship's should have their information pushed to their respective item pages.
  • Add a mining-rate comparison chart might be useful on a page discussing fittings, modules and ships.
  • Write a correct basic fleeting guide for bonuses, particularly now with the orca available, might fit in its own section.
  • Examples may be better in their own sidebars (boxes on the wiki.)
  • Replace Halada's calculations,
  • Fix the incorrect information like that about gas cloud harvesters and strip miners and hauling.
  • Add a discussion on PvP, can flipping and Hulkageddon on a new subpage.
I don't have the time at the moment to implement any of this, but please don't just violate Halada's copyright again by *stealing* his 2009 guide (which is also incomplete, opinionated and surprisingly often off-topic with respect to mining.) --Eoras Northwind 05:05, 7 January 2010 (UTC)
Actually, if this guide was taken from the EVE-O forums, it's not copyrighted. I think, in the fine print, anything posted on the official forums becomes the property of CCP. Besides, credit is given at the very top of the guide. I personally propose that the key things in this guide be saved, but the majority of it be scrapped. I also think that it should be incorporated into the Mining page instead of separated into it's own page. "Advanced Mining"? Mining is mining, it should all be in one article... =) --Sable Blitzmann 07:14, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
Even if it was taken from EVE-O forums, unless Halda licensed it or the Original Poster here, CCP's fine print doesn't apply. (Everything is All Rights Reserved by default. Third party actions does not change this. Otherwise you could start posting Metallica songs and cheat Lars Urlich out of the copyright system.) I Am Not A Lawyer, please contact one for a real legal opinion. Laws of different countries may vary with your mileage.
I disagree about merging the articles. The Mining Basics is well scoped for a lightweight introduction. Some sections should be moved, such as the Mining 101. However, by the time a player needs to be calculating strip miner duration and ore vs mineral price yeilds over a cluster-wide market prospectus, they need something different than an introductory text. -- Eoras Northwind 21:57, 3 February 2013 (GMT)
I removed the reference to Halada's guide because most of the chapters have been either deleted or rewritten. What remains will also be replaced soon because of the issues mentioned above --Wilm0rien 02:52, 6 January 2015 (UTC)

need stuff add for 0.0 mining

where are the 0.0 ores

0.0 space doesn't break down anywhere near as neatly as Empire space. Each 0.0 region has its own peculiar variety of ores, and these ores will occur in varying levels of abundance depending on the true security status of the system (ranging from 0.0 down to -1.0). I would advise you to find the lowest security rated 0.0 space you can hold and keep supplied with minerals, and mine there. You're very likely to find most of what you need, though there is the occasional strange omission, such as certain regions that may be abundant in mercoxit, arkanor, and bistot but mysteriously lack all the ores that can be refined into mexallon, isogen, or nocxium; and even regions where only arkanor, crokite, dark ochre, gneiss, hedbergite, hemorphite, kernite, and veldspar naturally occur, forcing players to import all their pyerite from Empire or reprocess it from rat droppings. --Tatterdemalian 22:51, 26 March 2009 (UTC)

gas cloud miners

gas cloud miner I can only be used on ship with TURRET hardpoints, that leaves out barges and exhumers

Ferox is good ship but found out u can only run 3 harvesters at 1 time

Formula for calculating yield is incorrect?

the formula listed on the main article is:

Yield = (Station_Equipment + 0.375) * (1 + Refining_Skill * 0.02) * (1 + Refinery_Efficiency*0.04) * (1 + Ore_Skill*0.05)

I think it should be:

Yield = Station_Equipment + [ 0.375 * (1 + Refining_Skill * 0.02) * (1 + Refinery_Efficiency*0.04) * (1 + Ore_Skill*0.05) ]

(The net Yield as seen in the refining window is the above with Ore_Skill at 0)

This looks right to me; the refining skill books in Eve improve the base 0.375 multiplier for all characters but not the Station_Equipment variable. --DarthCaboose 18:03, 16 September 2009 (UTC)

needs update

The values are out of date. This article needs to be updated to match the changes due to the Tyrannis update.--Susurrous 05:14, 2 June 2010 (UTC)


The article is so large that the edit button couldn't load more than 111kb in Firefox v8, this is an issue, as when I went to edit it to put in the Table of Contents template header, it truncated THE ENTIRE ARTICLE! :( Since I can't even load the previous version it is now messed up beyond all recognition, my apologies. --Hustomte 18:17, 4 January 2012 (UTC)

Thank you Salpun for fixing it! :)

NP cleaning up this article by spliting it up will be hard to do user:salpun 18:20, 4 January 2012 (UTC)

Title and Unifying Content

Advanced Mining Guide? I suggest the title needs to reflect the true nature of the article. Perhaps it is a Complete Mining Guide since it has a 101 section that is Basic and not Advanced. However, it is probably not complete either as it seems to be missing stuff according to other suggestions on this discussion page. Furthermore, no guide would ever end up being complete given continual changes in the game. If a new title is agreed upon, there may be some consolidation from other mining guides required. --Harrania DuBois 15:22, 11 November 2013 (UTC)

Cleanup 2015

I started with eve some years ago and this page was in a bad condition back then (2010). After some hiatus I returned to Eve and really enjoyed mining. However I could not stand the situation any longer so I decided to do a rework here. I admit that (nearly) all criticism stated above is valid and has to be fixed. Here is the status of the current clean up and the goals for the next steps. Please write your thoughts and suggestions here or actively start working on this page. Thanks! -- Wilm0rien 00:59, 5 January 2015 (UTC)

Chapter comment status
Minerals Updated the table according the this devblog. Also updated the calculation below. OK
What should I mine then I digged into the blueprint data and did some number crunching. It was very important here to ignore the bias from the market data when it comes to decide which ore to mine. The focus is still ship production because most of the minerals are needed there. OK
Miners Career here I want to give a roadmap what goals should be set. under construction
Industrial Ships added an overview on all industrials which are relevant for mining OK
Freighters added a chapter for Freighters because they are very relevant for mining OK
Building a Freighter added this chapter to give the reader a feeling about the amounts of ore needed to buld a freighter and the effort to haul it around. OK
Selling your Ore I reworte most of the artica and made suggestions for miners who want to sell their ore instead of minerals. OK
Your first Mining barge I suggested to go on with a Covetor instead of a Battleship. In fact I don't know anyone who mines with Battleships! The cargo hold is way too small for mining! OK
The Different Mining Lasers It does not make sense to introduce a number of miners without telling the reader which one to prefer in special situations. Therefore I only introduced the most important lasers and pointed out that you have to aim for the top. The focus of this guide is regular ore mining so I skipped the other sorts. OK
The Different Ships In this additional chapter the ships are introduced with numbers and facts. The goal of this chapter is to furhter delete all other notes about ships in this wiki page. OK
The War on Miners This is an additional chapter reflecting the reality of mining in Eve in a objective manner. The goal is to ommit the term "ganking" since this is not a valid term for a game mechanic. Instead flavor terms like "threat, pirates, attackers, offenders" should be used. Miners should be aware of the threat and take it as a challange to dogde other players attacks. OK
Refining Should be deleted and merged with Minerals there is no need to cover this simple subject in two chapters. deleted
The Math System Should be deleted because the math should be refered to in separate pages. As an example I provided a table in The Different Ships and refered to the calculations behind that on a separate page. deleted
All references to battleships I'm going to delete all references to battleships because it does not make sense to mine without cargo hold. please tell me about any objections on this! deleted
Achieving Perfection I believe this is a good topic to cover all hints about mining implantats and tech II mining ships. needs cleanup
The Mindlink isn't broken the chapter has to be renamed. however here is a good place to piont out maximizing mindlinks. for example that the Warfare Link Specialist Skill (despite its name) boosts the mining foreman links. And further that you can provide orca boosts from within a forcefield in a pos, while this is not possible for warfare links. needs cleanup
Drones I admit that I have not yet obtained enough experience with drones. It looked for me like an 10% mining amount increase with drones running in a hulk. however I will collect more data on drones and do some long runs also with harvester drones on the singulariry test server before updating this chapter. needs cleanup
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