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The Yangmans (Yang-mans is a compound from the amarrian: manu[1] "hand"; and iuven a bastardisation, a corruption of "youth" and "to yield") are members of the landowning nobility in the Khanid Kingdom; more precisely they are holders in the far "western" quarter of the Kingdom.


Yangman or Yungenmanu is derived from "young hand" or "young lord", and originally it was a title for members of the lower nobility; or "second-born" offsprings, were the primogeniture meant they had no inheritance (money, property, or title) to anticipate; as well as for nobles which gain their status through a morganatic marriage. A good number of poorer Yangmans took up careers as soldiers, cyber knights, mercenaries and officials at the court of territorial holders. During the Age of Expansion, those Yangmans and their families had carried out most of the colonization in the "western" quarter of the Khanid territories. Over the centuries, they had become influential commanders and landowners, especially on the planets "west" of Nandeza. Supporting monarchism, legalism and military traditions; today, they are seen as one powerful bulwark of the ruling House Khanid.

See Also


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