Item Database:Manufacture & Research:Components:Research & Invention:Datacores

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Datacores are collections of design patterns that can be applied to blueprints to improve upon the base design. They are instrumental in the process of invention and are required for all capsuleer invention jobs.

Datacores can be obtained from corporation research agents in exchange for research points as well as occasionally found through exploration in cosmic signatures. Each research agent provides datacores corresponding to his or her scientific specialties. For example, a research agent in the rocket science field could provide a Datacore - Rocket Science in exchange for a fixed amount of research points. Datacores can also be found in small quantities at hidden exploration sites. The Research agent guide provides information and techniques for the acquisition of datacores.

The datacores required for invention of a Tech II BPC correspond to the two skills required to manufacture the item itself. For example, manufacturing an 1MN Afterburner II requires the skills molecular engineering and rocket science. The two datacores required to invent the corresponding tech II blueprint copyfor an 1 MN Afterburner II are thus Datacore - Molecular Engineering and Datacore - Rocket Science. Datacores are always consumed when beginning an invention, no matter whether the job was successful, not successful, or canceled.

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