Skill Hardwiring
Skill hardwirings are a type of implant. Hardwiring usually gives a bonus equivalent to improving your trained level of a given skill. Often the top of the line in a given hardwiring is equivalent to training another level in that skill, though only for the bonus granted by the skill, not for satisfying prerequisites, and stacking separately (i.e. if a skill gives you 5%/level, and you have the 5% hardwiring, your total effect is 1.25*1.05=1.3125 for a positive bonus or .75*.95=.7125 for a negative bonus, not the 1.30 or .70 you would get by adding the 25% and the 5% for a 30% bonus).
Note that each table entry below represents a series of hardwirings, not just one specific implant. Any series consists of different grades of that specific hardwiring giving a different bonus amount (most often 1%, 3%, 5%).
Hardwiring by affected skill area
For hardwires that include "(all)", the bonus affects all types of turrets, not just the racial turret otherwise featured in that set.
Racial specialization | Model name | Slot 6 | Slot 7 | Slot 8 | Slot 9 | Slot 10 |
projectile turret | 'Gunslinger' | SX: small damage | AX: tracking (all) | MX: medium damage | CX: damage (all) | LX: large damage |
energy turret | 'Lancer' | Alpha: small damage | Beta: capacitor use (all) | Gamma: medium damage | Delta: rate of fire (all) | Epsilon: large damage |
hybrid turret | 'Deadeye' beginning with "ZG" | ZGS: small damage | ZGC: falloff (all) | ZGM: medium damage | ZGA: optimal range (all) | ZGL: large damage |
(non-racial) turret CPU | 'Gnome' (see rest of series below) | KZA: CPU need (all) |
Summary by Slot
Out of slots 6, 8, and 10 you probably have 1 obvious choice you care about, i.e. your favorite racial turret in your favorite size.
6: +dam for racial small turret, else use a utility hardwire.
7: +tracking, -cap, or +falloff.
8: +dam for racial medium turret, else use a utility hardwire.
9: +dam, +rof, or +optimal.
10: +dam for racial large turret, else save CPU.
Summary by Skill
- Controlled Bursts: 'Lancer' Beta
- Motion Prediction: 'Gunslinger' AX
- Rapid Firing (and also Gunnery, which has the same type of bonus): 'Lancer' Delta
- Sharpshooter: 'Deadeye' ZGA
- Small/Medium/Large Energy Turret: 'Lancer' Alpha/Gamma/Epsilon
- Small/Medium/Large Hybrid Turret: 'Deadeye' ZGS/M/L
- Small/Medium/Large Projectile Turret: 'Gunslinger' SX/MX/LX
- Surgical Strike: 'Gunslinger' CX
- Trajectory Analysis: 'Deadeye' ZGC
- Weapon Upgrades: 'Gnome' KZA
Missile hardwires include all 'Snapshot', and some 'Deadeye'. (Some 'Deadeye' apply to turret weapons. See above.) They have 2-letter series ID's.
The series in the database for citadel torpedos does not appear to exist in-game.
Missile type | Slot 6 | Slot 7 | Slot 8 | Slot 9 | Slot 10 |
Unguided | TD: Torpedo Damage | AM: Heavy Assault Missile Damage | RD: Rocket Damage | ||
Guided | CM: Cruise Missile Damage | HM: Heavy Missile Damage | GP: Explosion Radius | LM: Light Missile Damage | |
Defender | DM: Velocity | ||||
F.o.F. | FR: Explosion Radius | ||||
All | MB or MP: Range (Flight time or Velocity) | TN: Explosion Velocity | RL: Rate of Fire |
Note that the "LE-600" series in slot 6 saves launcher CPU, but "EE-600" series fits in the same slot and boosts overall CPU, which is preferable.
Summary by Slot
6: +Damage for large launchers, else use a utility hardwire.
7: +Damage for medium launchers, else range.
8: -Explosion radius for guided, else +Velocity for defenders (but a utility hardwire is probably preferable over that)
9: +Damage for small launchers, else +Explosion velocity.
10: +ROF unless you really love FoF.
Summary by Skill
- Cruise Missiles: 'Snapshot' CM-600 Series
- Defender Missiles: 'Snapshot' DM-800 Series
- Guided Missile Precision: 'Deadeye' GP-800 Series
- Heavy Assault Missiles: 'Snapshot' AM-700 Series
- Heavy Missiles: 'Snapshot' HM-700 Series
- Missile Bombardment: 'Deadeye' MB-700 Series
- Missile Projection: 'Deadeye' MP-700 Series
- Rapid Launch: 'Deadeye' RL-1000 Series
- Rockets: 'Snapshot' RD-900 Series
- Light Missiles: 'Snapshot' LM-900 Series
- Target Navigation Prediction: 'Deadeye' TN-900 Series
- Torpedoes: 'Snapshot' TD-600 Series
Implants with no directly corresponding skill:
- 'Snapshot' FR-1000 Series (F.o.F. bonus to explosion radius, the skill's bonus is to damage)
Navigation hardwires are 'Rogue'. They have two-letter series ID's ending in Y. There are no navigation hardwires for slot 10.
Slot 6 | Slot 7 | Slot 8 | Slot 9 |
CY: velocity MY: afterburner/microwarpdrive speed bonus EY: afterburner duration FY: warp capacitor need, or HY: warp speed |
AY: agility | DY: afterburner capacitor need | GY: microwarpdrive capacitor need |
Summary by Skill
- Acceleration Control: 'Rogue' MY
- Afterburner: 'Rogue' EY
- Evasive Maneuvering: 'Rogue' AY
- Fuel Conservation: 'Rogue' DY
- High Speed Maneuvering: 'Rogue' GY
- Navigation: 'Rogue' CY
- Warp Drive Operation: 'Rogue' FY
Implants with no corresponding skill:
- 'Rogue' HY (there's no skill to increase warp speed)
Mechanic hardwires are 'Noble' and have three-letter series ID's starting with ZET. The number after the ZET changes by slot, and the number of zeroes gives the strength.
'Gentry' ZEX hardwiring for capital modules do not appear to be available in-game.
Model name | Slot 6 | Slot 7 | Slot 8 | Slot 9 | Slot 10 |
'Noble' | ZET-10: armor/hull repair duration | ZET-20: remote repair capacitor use | ZET-30: hull hitpoints | ZET-40: armor/hull repair amount | ZET-50: armor hitpoints |
Summary by Skill
- Hull Upgrades: 'Noble' ZET-50
- Mechanic: 'Noble' ZET-30
- Remote Armor Repair Systems: 'Noble' ZET-20
- Repair Systems: 'Noble' ZET-10
- Salvaging: see #Science section for salvage hardwiring
Implants with no corresponding skill:
- 'Noble' ZET-40 (there is no skill that boosts repair amount)
Electronics hardwires are 'Gypsy' and have three-letter model names beginning with K and ending in B. There are no electronics hardwires for implant slot 10.
Slot 6 | Slot 7 | Slot 8 | Slot 9 |
KLB: electronics upgrade CPU usage KMB: total CPU output |
KNB: scan resolution | KPB: targeting range KQB: propusion jammer capacitor need |
KOB: ECM capacitor need KRB: sensor link/damper capacitor need KSB: weapon disruptor capacitor need KTB: target painter capacitor need |
Summary by Skill
- Electronic Warfare: 'Gypsy' KOB
- Electronics: 'Gypsy' KMB
- Electronics Upgrades: 'Gypsy' KLB
- Long Range Targeting: 'Gypsy' KPB
- Propulsion Jamming: 'Gypsy' KQB
- Sensor Linking: 'Gypsy' KRB
- Signature Analysis: 'Gypsy' KNB
- Turret Destabilization: 'Gypsy' KSB
- Weapon Disruption: 'Gypsy' KTB
Engineering hardwires are 'Squire' and most 'Gnome' models. 'Gnome' models enhance shield skills and have three-letter ID's beginning with K and ending in A. 'Squire' models enhance the rest of the engineering skills follow a name pattern with two (shockingly intuitive) letters followed by a 2, 4, or 8 for strength.
Like other capital-module implants in the database, 'Sprite' KXX hardwiring does not appear in-game.
Model name | Slot 6 | Slot 7 | Slot 8 | Slot 9 | Slot 10 |
'Squire' | EO: capacitor recharge rate EG: power grid output |
ES: capacitor emission systems capacitor need EU: energy upgrade CPU need EP: energy pulse weapon (smart bomb) duration |
EM: total capacitor capacity | ||
'Gnome' | KTA: see #Missiles note KUA: shield upgrade power need |
KVA: shield capacity | KXA: shield emission capacitor need | KYA: shield recharge rate | KZA: see #Gunnery note |
Summary by Skill
- Capacitor Emission Systems: 'Squire' ES
- Capacitor Management: 'Squire' EM
- Capacitor Systems Operation: 'Squire' EO
- Energy Grid Upgrades: 'Squire' EU
- Energy Pulse Weapons: 'Squire' EP
- Power Grid Management: 'Squire' EG
- Shield Emission Systems: 'Gnome' KXA
- Shield Management: 'Gnome' KVA
- Shield Operation: 'Gnome' KYA
- Shield Upgrades: 'Gnome' KUA
Science hardwires cover three different science skill areas: astrometrics ('Prospector', which have three-letter model names beginning with PP), research (some of the 'Beancounter' hardwires, which have one-letter model names), and skill boosters (most of the 'Alchemist' line, which have two-letter model names ending in A).
Model name | Slot 6 | Slot 7 | Slot 8 | Slot 9 | Slot 10 |
'Prospector' | PPF: max scan deviation | PPG: scan duration | PPH: scan strength | PPW (*): chance of archaeological find PPX (*): chance of data retrieval PPY (*): chance of salvage |
PPZ (*): salvage, hacking, and archaeology duration |
'Beancounter' | I: blueprint manufacturing time research | J: material efficiency research time | K: blueprint copy time | ||
'Alchemist' | WA: booster duration | YA: booster side effect severity | XA: booster side effect chance |
(*) PPW, PPX, PPY, and PPZ only have one strength of implant available, requiring Cybernetics III.
Summary by Skill
- Archaeology: 'Prospector' PPW
- Astrometric Rangefinding: 'Prospector' PPH
- Astrometric Pinpointing: 'Prospector' PPF
- Astrometric Acquisition: 'Prospector' PPG
- Biology: 'Alchemist' WA
- Hacking: 'Prospector' PPX
- Metallurgy: 'Beancounter' J
- Nanite Control: 'Alchemist' YA
- Neurotoxin Recovery: 'Alchemist' XA
- Research: 'Beancounter' I
- Salvaging: 'Prospector' PPY
- Science: 'Beancounter' K
Implants with no corresponding skill:
- 'Prospector' PPZ (there's no skill to reduce hacking/salvaging/archaeology duration)
Industry hardwires are some 'Beancounter' for production (those for research are shown under #Science), which have one-letter model names; and 'Highwall', 'Yeti', and one 'Alchemist' for mining.
Model name | Slot 8 | Slot 10 |
'Beancounter' | F: manufacturing time H: refinery waste reduction |
'Highwall', 'Yeti', and 'Alchemist' | ZA: gas cloud harvester duration | HX: mining yield HY: CPU penalty of mining upgrades BX: ice harvester duration |
Summary by Skill
- Ice Harvesting: 'Yeti' BX
- Industry: 'Beancounter' F
- Mining: 'Highwall' HX
- Mining Upgrades: 'Highwall' HY
- Refining: 'Beancounter' H
Implants with no corresponding skill:
- 'Alchemist' ZA (there is no skill to reduce gas cloud harvester duration)
Hardwiring by slot, summarized
Slot 6
Skill area | Model names | Purpose |
Gunnery | 'Gunslinger' SX, 'Lancer' Alpha, and 'Deadeye' ZGS | small racial turret damage |
Missiles | 'Snapshot' ZMT and ZMU; 'Gnome' KTA | large missile damage; launcher CPU |
Navigation | 'Rogue' CY, MY, EY, FY and HY | velocity, AB/MWD speed bonus, afterburner duration, warp |
Mechanic | 'Noble' ZET-10 and 'Gentry' ZEX-10 | repair duration |
Electronics | 'Gypsy' KLB, KMB | electronics upgrade CPU need, total CPU output |
Engineering | 'Squire' CR, PG; 'Gnome' KUA | capacitor recharge, total powergrid output; shield upgrade power need |
Science | 'Prospector' PPF, 'Beancounter' I | max scan deviation, blueprint manufacturing time research |
Industry | none |
Slot 7
Skill area | Model names | Purpose |
Gunnery | 'Gunslinger' AX; 'Lancer' Beta; 'Deadeye' ZGC | tracking; cap use; falloff |
Missiles | 'Snapshot' ZMH and ZME; 'Deadeye' ZMC and ZML | medium missile damage; range |
Navigation | 'Rogue' AY | agility |
Mechanic | 'Noble' ZET-20 | repair cap use |
Electronics | 'Gypsy' KNB | scan resolution |
Engineering | 'Squire' EE, GU, EP; 'Gnome' KVA | energy emissions cap need, energy grid upgrade CPU need, energy pulse (smart bomb) duration; shield capacity |
Science | 'Prospector' PPG, 'Beancounter' J | scanner strength, material effeciency research time |
Industry | none |
Slot 8
Skill area | Model names | Purpose |
Gunnery | 'Gunslinger' MX, 'Lancer' Gamma, and 'Deadeye' ZGM | medium racial turret damage |
Missiles | 'Snapshot' ZMD; 'Deadeye' ZMA | defender velocity; guided missile explosion radius |
Navigation | 'Rogue' DY | afterburner cap need |
Mechanic | 'Noble' ZET-30 | hull hitpoints |
Electronics | 'Gypsy' KPB, KQB | targeting range, propulsion jammer cap need |
Engineering | 'Squire' CC, 'Gnome' KXA | total capacitor output, shield emissions cap need |
Science | 'Prospector' PPH; 'Alchemist' WA; 'Beancounter' K | scan duration; skill booster duration; blueprint copy time |
Industry | 'Beancounter' F, H; 'Alchemist' ZA | manufacturing time, refinery waste; gas cloud harvester duration |
Slot 9
Skill area | Model names | Purpose |
Gunnery | 'Gunslinger' CX, 'Lancer' Delta, and 'Deadeye' ZGA | damage, rate of fire, optimal range |
Missiles | 'Snapshot' ZMN/ZMR; 'Deadeye' ZMS | small missile damage; explosion velocity |
Navigation | 'Rogue' GY | MWD cap need |
Mechanic | 'Noble' ZET-40 | repair amount |
Engineering | 'Gnome' KYA | shield recharge |
Electronics | 'Gypsy' KOB, KRB, KSB, KTB | electronic attacks and sensor link cap need |
Science | 'Prospector' PPW, X, Y; 'Alchemist' WA | chance of science module success; skill booster side effect severity |
Industry | none |
Slot 10
Skill area | Model names | Purpose |
Gunnery | 'Gunslinger' LX, 'Lancer' Epsilon, and 'Deadeye' ZGL; 'Gnome' KZA | large racial turret damage; turret CPU need |
Missiles | 'Deadeye' ZMM; 'Snapshot' ZMF | rate of fire; F.o.F. explosion radius |
Navigation | none | |
Mechanic | 'Noble' ZET-50 | armor hitpoints |
Engineering | none | |
Electronics | none | |
Science | 'Prospector' PPZ; 'Alchemist' XA | science module duration; skill booster side effect chance |
Industry | 'Highwall' HX, HY; 'Yeti' BX | mining yield, mining upgrade CPU; ice harvester duration |
Hardwiring by series, summarized
Model name | Purpose(s) |
'Alchemist' | skill boosters and gas cloud harvesting |
'Beancounter' | research and manufacturing |
'Deadeye' | ZG series: hybrid turret damage, all turret falloff and optimal range ZM series: missile range, explosion, and rate of fire |
'Gentry' | capital hull/armor repair; does not appear to exist in-game |
'Gnome' | KZA series: turret CPU others: shield |
'Gunslinger' | projectile turret damage, all turret tracking and damage |
'Gypsy' | electronics |
'Highwall' | mining |
'Lancer' | energy turret damage, all turret cap use and rate of fire |
'Noble' | hull/armor repair and hitpoints |
'Prospector' | astrometrics |
'Rogue' | navigation |
'Sharpshooter' | citadel torpedo damage; does not appear to exist in-game |
'Snapshot' | missile damage, specialty (defender/F.o.F.) missiles |
'Sprite' | capital shield emissions; does not appear to exist in-game |
'Squire' | engineering |
'Yeti' | ice harvesting |