Digital Matrix

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" The local pirates have taken an interest in the recently discovered gas clouds and the possibilities they offer for the booster industry. They've set themselves up here, engaging in various illicit activities. Resistance is bound to be heavy, but the rewards promise to be great - particularly for those skilled with Data Analyzers, for the pirates are storing all kinds of information here, particularly regarding the booster industry."

"This site is very similar to Pirate Hideout and Digital Network. Like the others it's really a COSMOS site that usually spawns in one of the Angel COSMOS constellations, but it can rarely appear elsewhere as well.

The site is gated deadspace, and you get a popup about it being a pirate hideout when you warp to it.

First room

Has about 15 HAC's and BC's plus four siege autocannon sentries. From here you have two paths to choose from, Tutoring Room (left) and Demonstration Room (right). Go left since that path dumps you in the Demonstration Room anyway. Note: Both gates require Hacking I to activate. Second room (Tutoring)

The tutoring room has 3 BS, a named overseer (Angel Inspector), about 10 cruisers/BC's and a few scrambling and webbing frigates. The overseer can drop Gist A-Type loot; he also drops a "master key" that will be useful later, make sure your tank picks it up. In addition to this there's 6 hacking containers, which mostly drop comedy loot but also combat booster-related skillbooks that can be pretty expensive. Next gate (to the demonstration room) also requires Hacking I. Third room (Demonstration Room)

The room has 3 BS (Seraphims, one named but he doesn't drop anything special), about 10 cruisers/BC's, and a few scrambling/webbing frigs, much like last room. Additionally there are another 6 hacking cans, these drop combat booster BPC's (standard x-instinct), booster reactions (also standard x-instinct) and some comedy loot. Final room (R&D Circle)

The final gate (to the R&D Circle) is keyed; the ship that activates it has to have the Master Key looted earlier in the cargohold. When the gate is activated it's open for 30 seconds before it's locked again. The room has four Seraphims and three battlecruisers, no boss. There are also 5 hacking cans called "backup array", loot from those is improved booster BPC's and reactions."

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