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A derogatory term intended to slight a pilot\corporation\alliance. The term has existed since the formation of the Greater BoB Coalition in order to mark individual alliances\corporations as inferior to others.

The staple of a 'pet' alliance is usually a new or a reformed alliance with a large inexperienced player base granted access to null security space by a larger, more established, sovereignty holding alliance.

Characteristically, a 'pet' alliance is inferior in organization, capital fleet size and PvP\Fleet experience than the space holding alliance, and usually relies on the older alliance to provide Fleet Commanders and heavy capital support. The 'pet' alliance is given space in return for services, usually in the form of military aid or\and border post ('meatshield'). The established or 'master' alliance usually insures thus a readily available cannon fodder supply, to rely on as support in power block struggles at a low cost. A 'pet' alliance cannot hold its space without the help of the larger entity.

The term 'pet' alliance should not be confused with the renter, an alliance or corporation that buys rights to use a space holding alliance's systems for production\ratting\plexing for a pre-negotiated contract (Such as monthly payments in ISK, ores, minerals or ships)

In some cases 'pet' alliances may sublet the space given them by their patron alliance to others.

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