Loose Ends
Note: Locations may include additional kill related spawns, not all drones were shot/killed.
Location 1 (Low sec)
No gate. 12 (7 strain) Cruisers, 3 battlecruisers, 5 frigates (1 strain tackler) and a sentient cruiser at close range on warpin, all auto-aggress.
Killing the strain frigate spawns 3 new ones (no further spawns from these).
Killing the sentient cruiser may give you the next chapter of the escalation.
All you find here are bits and pieces of something that has once been a mining and refining station. The debris along with a few frozen bodies still floating around suggests that the drones have invaded and destroyed a once thriving colony.
Location 2 (Low sec)
No gate. 5 Frigates (1 strain tackler) and a sentient cruiser on warpin, approx. 20k away.
Next escalation chapter was given upon warpin.
It looks as if you have surprised the drones while pillaging the remains of this asteroid colony. Again you can see bodies floating around, even some children toys... You don't know who these people were, but no one deserves this tragic and violent end from the "hands" of the machines. When you attacked the pillaging drones, your instruments picked up a distress call from some of the drones and when the combat drones warped in to their aid, your sensors managed to trace the place of their origin.
Killing the initial drones and moving around did not spawn any of these 'combat drones' (possibly missing or time based >10 minutes).
Location 3 (Low sec)
No gate. 13 Frigates, 2 battlecruisers, 1 cruiser and 1 sentient cruiser on warpin, approx. 10k away.
Killing the sentient cruiser may give you the next and final chapter of the escalation.
2 strain frigates and 3 battlecruisers spawned upon killing the sentient cruiser. 3 destroyers spawned upon killing one of these strain frigates.
Another pillaged colony, but these drones you warped in on keep the chase alive, your instruments have already come up with an approximation of their destination.
Location 4 (Null sec)
No gate. 1 Battleship and 1 frigate upon warpin. 6 Battleships and 2 strain cruisers spawned 1 minute in. 4 Battleships were 200km out and despawned after ~30 seconds. 4 Battlecruisers and 3 strain cruisers spawned after another minute. 6 Frigates spawned after one more minute, no further spawns.
All drones auto-aggress upon spawning or warpin, except for the 4 battleships 200km away which never aggressed.
Killing the initial battleship (Matriarch Alvus) gives the end message. A commander cruiser spawned a minute afterward (not sure if related to the battleship kill or simply another time based spawn, please confirm), wreck contained ~27m worth of tech II salvage.