Council Of Apostles
'Council of Apostles' (Reformed)
Led by Apostle Dante Gheinok, flying under the capsuleer call sign of “Slaver Filth”, a pure True Amarr descendant of the House Of Gheinok, and a fully vested member of the “Speakers of Truth” adjudicating and educating in Aridia Judicial Region as the senior adjudicator and dean of education.
The House of Gheinok are constellation Holders, controlling the six systems of the Fabai constellation in the Aridia region, a small out of way low security space fiefdom bordering the expansive Khanid holdings that has kept them far from the prying eyes of Imperial loyalists since the reign of Emperor Zaragram III.
When the “Mad Emperor” began to dismantle the power of the “Council of Apostles”, being pure True Amarr House Gheinok stood with the Council. The assassination of Zaragram III slowed the erosion of the Council of Apostles' power but despite their best efforts they were unable to regain their former status. Weakened by the change in political fortunes, they were completed disbanded under Emperor Heideran V, himself a former member of the Council of Apostles, but having succeeding in the election to Emperor consolidated power to himself with the backing of the five most powerful families in Amarr. Soon thereafter, as guests of House Gheinok on Naga IV the now deposed Apostles hatched their plan to reform and reconstitute the Council of Apostles from among the Holders, who under the so called “Moral Reforms”now were barred from the Imperial throne. In true faith to God and solemn allegiance to the Empire as it should have remained they were reborn a clandestine hardline harshly conservative body wholly committed to overturning the “Moral Reforms” that had facilitated the removal of their powers that would enable them to rule once again as a Council of equals with the legitimate Imperial Emperor.