Unforgiven Storm

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Revision as of 07:27, 26 August 2013 by Unforgiven Storm (Talk)

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Unforgiven Storm is a member of Eternity INC. that is one of Goonswarm Federation Member corps.

He plays EVE since December 2008.

He stated playing in empire, playing solo, mining, doing level 4 missions and experimenting with trading and hauling, for one year, before a director from Friends Fleet (a Portuguese corp living in 0.0) found him and took him in.

In Friends Fleet they teach him all he knows about PVP and live in 0.0. Later he was introduced to sovereignty warfare.

In the end of 2011 Friends Fleet ended when most of its members stop playing EVE and then he moved to Eternity INC. This corp introduced him to the work of capital PVP and industrial gameplay.

Since then Unforgiven Storm gameplay in EVE is totally dedicated to industrial issues and sovereignty warfare. He has become an expert in planet interaction, reactions and moon mining and hauling issues. Is also has advanced knowledge of invention / T2 manufacturing and mining.

He run for a position as a delegate of CSM8 in 2013 under a Industrial platform but fail to get elected being eliminated of round 11 with 1383 votes.

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