Bulk Trade (Mailing list)
This mailing list is used to trade eve items in large quantities.
For user comments & feedback check the following link The "Bulk Trade" Mailing list - When joining the mailing list you will receive a welcoming mail containing an explicit list of rules : by using the mailing list in anyway you accept to abide by these rules by default.
- 1 The bulk trade mailing list moderating team
- 2 The Mailing list TLDR rules
- 3 The bulk trade mailing list rules & policies
- 4 General recommendations
- 5 How to write a mail for the mailing list
- 6 Statistics /numbers
- 7 What to do if you were banned from the mailing list
- 8 How to Join The bulk Trade Mailing List
The bulk trade mailing list moderating team
- Operators W3370Pi4 & XrayZII & imsone wbicantmine
- Iif you need assistance read this [[1]] or in extreme cases contact Vjeko or W3370Pi4 in that order
The Mailing list TLDR rules
Whilst I enjoy efficiency and order I realize that everybody is not interested about reading therefor i have made a version of the rules for this public. I do realize that this is fairly unfair for the people who show a real effort but its currently a beta rule , the objective here is to reduce the amount of assistance request whilst maintaining higher standard and overall satisfaction.
This is the bare minimum that you need to include in your mail without getting banned :
- Mail subject = the name of items you are selling
Mail content = WTS or WTB
- The name of the item highligted
- the price per unit
- the location
The bulk trade mailing list rules & policies
- Minimum quantities:
- 5 for normal ships
- 5 for faction ships
- 5 for all modules with a meta ≤ to 5 except Capital modules
- 5 for Capital modules
- 5 for all modules with a meta ≥ to 6
- 10000 for ammunition faction or normal except Frequency Crystals
- 50 for T2 Frequency Crystals minimum
- 100 for other crystals
- 50 for planetary materials
- 1000 for t1 Salvage
- 25 for T2 Salvage
- 10000 for Moon related materials
- 5 for POS modules
- 5 for Anything else
- You need to give the following information : Price per unit ( PPU is only given to inform the buyer of the average price this does not mean you are allowed to sell by the unit you will get banned if you sell by the unit ) / Price per batch of 5 units or more / Location / Total quantity/packs available /Price for the whole stack of modules. ( more details below )
- If you want to sell your goods all together you must be very explicit about it .
- All items sold on the mailing list must be sold in packs of 5 units minimum ( selling by the unit/ Retailing will not be tolerated )
- Do not sell your faction items/ships here unless you have 5 identical modules/ships.
- Indicating on your mail that you accept retail order ( selling just for one unit of anything even titans ) is now a non negotiable banable offense and you will be fined up to 500m isk to be unbanned even if you apologize this rule will now be systematically enforced.
- This mailing list is based on the free market rule( like the economy in eve online ) so you are free to put any price tag you want on your items. . ( however i strongly recommend that you price them at least lower than the major market hub ( jita / amarr / dodixie / rens ) closest to your goods )
- Manipulating any markets and dumping stock falsely priced on the mailing list will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate ban for all the characters linked.
- Do not sell your Blueprint Original here unless you have 5 identical bpos the same applies to Blueprint copies.
- You must absolutely indicate a price range for everything you sell on the mailing list & indicate that you are opened to negotiations if it's the case.
- You must not in any circumstances try to bargain somebody when they didn't put an *N* in their mail subject doing this will result in a ban.
- all mails sent on the mailing list should follow the following templates : http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Bulk_Trade_%28Mailing_list%29#How_to_write_a_mail_for_the_mailing_list
- Auction CONTRACTS are not allowed / Selling goods that are listed on the market is not allowed.
- Sending a mail to the mail list with a public contract is allowed but is not good for business.
- Want to buy offers mails are allowed but must respect the quantity rules and the templates.
- Linking/highlighting the items listed in the mails sent on the mailing list is mandatory to make it easier to check the price of the goods.
- Blueprint copies are allowed but not capital blueprints packs like freighter packs or carrier packs.
- If you have different items to sell on the same occasion please only make one mail.
- Concerning mail updates : you can only send and update mail to the mailing list once the items listed in the mail are sold or once every 24 hours to update the price eventually this means sending more than 2 or 3 mails on the mailing within 24hours starts to put you in the ToBeBanned list.
- Regardless of quantity you must offer a bulk buyout price for your items to give the opportunity to buy your whole stock.
- If you are the ceo of a corporation and you post a bad mail on the mailing list your corporation will be banned aswell.
- Disciplinary actions will be taken against violators & Bans will eventually be issued without any prior warnings in order to keep a general standard on the mailing list .( if you break a rule that is very explicit , you get banned).
- People who are found with a CSPA charge higher than 10000 isk will be banned from the mailing list.
General recommendations
I find rules very simple to understand however i am opened to all constructive feedback/criticism.
Please try to be courteous & polite with everyone when using the mailing list.
Thanks in advance
How to write a mail for the mailing list
- A mail sent on the Bulk Trade mailing list should be properly written. Hundreds of people will read it; it will reflect your focus and professionalism. It will also show that you are not lazy. TL;DR: in Eve online your image is important
Concerning the Mail's Subject :
- All mail's subjects should be written following this template.
- All mail titles should now contain if you want to buy ("WTB") or sell ("WTS") followed by the type of items.
- If you are open to negotiations you should now put an *N* at the end of the mail subject. Persons found low balling, falsely claiming to be negotiable, or otherwise abusing the *N* marker will be found out and dealt with harshly.
A bad subject is vague on the item, fails to specify whether it is a buy or sell offer, or mis-formatted. Don't do this!
A good subject specifies the order type (buy/sell), the item types, and whether the order is negotiable with *N*.
If your order has completely filled or sold, your follow-up mail's subject (announcing the completed status) should say "sold" or "filled", followed by the original mail's subject:
- A properly written mail should contain the following in the mail body:
- The name of the items
- The quantity
- The price for the lot of 5/10/50/1000 units as you wish
- The price per unit for the lot or lots
- The location of the items
- The buyout price for the whole stock of items.
Below are a couple examples of GOOD mails sent on the mailing list:
Blank Mail Templates to format your mails
Statistics /numbers
There is currently approximately 2500 subscribers on the mailing list - ~900 Mail posted every month
What to do if you were banned from the mailing list
To inquire about getting un-banned from the mailing list you must do the following task , failure to respect the task will result in denial of assistance.
- Join the "Legit Management" mailing list and copy your eve online char date of birth from your character sheet, for example mine is "2005.07.23 21:46:00"
- Paste your character date of birth in the evemail subject that you are sending to the legit management mailing list.
- And put your enquiry in the email's body
- There is a 25 millions isk fee , you must send it to W3370Pi4
- Corp unban 50 millions isk
- Alliance unban 5 Billions isk
- Once you posted your assistance request you can leave the mailing list.
How to Join The bulk Trade Mailing List
A lot of pod pilots seem to not know how to join a mailing list so i made this tutorial to help them figure out and enhance their eve online experience. :)
- Open the mail menu on your Neocom
- Click on the Add Mailing List button
- Type Bulk Trade and click on the join button
- And you should be subscribed to the mailing list
If you have troubles or questions join the "legit talk" channel or mail W3370Pi4