Pax Dominatus
The Pax Dominatis is a Sani Sabik manuscript written by Silas Vitalia, covering a range of topics and showcasing her viewpoints on a variety subjects. The manuscript combines elements of Sabik History, Political Theory and commentary, Personal Anecdotes, Military Observations, Religious Ideology, and more.
Extremely rare versions of the manuscript, laser-etched on solid-gold plates in red Amarr calligraphy ( and personally inscribed to each recipient ) were given to all guests at Vitalia’s release party in June of YC113.
What follows are short excerpts from several sections of the manuscript.
((These will be expanded and released over time, as you might guess there hasn’t been nearly enough time to completely flesh out this matertial. For RP purposes think of the book as equal parts “Art of War,” a Sabik “Gnostic Gospels,” and an uplifting self-help book. Use your imagination to guide your ‘take’ on what is of course not presented, and feel free to send ooc mails for specific questions. Keep in mind of course that inner working of the religious faith are not included, but only the most cursory definitions suited for public consumption. I'll appologize in advance for not having more of this written but setting up for the event required quite a bit of work!))
From “An Introduction
... is that you, capsuleer, either accept that great and obvious truth, or you spend your time (which for a capsuleer might be quite a while) wasting your life. Greatness or mediocrity. Fame or obscurity. Master or servant.
In any case the choice, and those beautiful possibilities, are entirely up to you.
From “What is Sabik? that we have always, always been with you. I’m not merely speaking of the ups and downs of the Empire, or even Athra before we leapt to the stars. I’m speaking of humanity’s basic and unwavering desire to be ruled, and of humanity’s ability to produce those able to do so.
Some prefer to define our history through a clouded lens of compassion, altruistic individuals, or some ridiculous sense of cooperation. This is folly. Humanity has and always will be defined through the great men and women; those that have risen high above their peers and changed the course of history through sheer force of will. No one remembers the wage-slave toiling away in obscurity. Everyone remembers the King. We make monuments to rulers, not to subjects. It is the natural state of humanity to acquiesce and from among them come someone to dominate, to lead, to guide. In most societies this takes the form of a single ruler. A leader of a tribe, a mayor of a town, an Emperor, even a President. It always comes down to one individual over all others. Don’t let recent experiments with democracy or meritocracy fool you, as they still eventually seek an individual. There’s always a single Senator that wields the most influence, a single businessman to rule the others. Always One.
There have always been and always will be those among you who believe as we do, who can see the chain of history and smile in their awareness of how things really work. Sabik has merely put a name and a face to this.
From the Chapter on ”Dealing with Matari While Commanding Mixed Fleets,” written while serving in the Royal Khanid Navy
...the result is that you will notice them to be quite effective at stringing along your faster escort ships to just outside the useful range of your larger weapons platforms. They have this down to a science, and will purposefully broach your optimal ranges to ‘get you interested.’ Darting in and out, giving you a few easy shots and possibly even a few kills. Matari fleets will happily sacrifice a few smaller vessels to lure you into a compromising tactical position. Folly to the Amarr Commander who takes this invitation, however! Resisting the impulse to send out your interceptors to ensnare requires some discipline among your ranks, and a strong hand to “hold the line” as it were. They will always be faster, they will always attempt to draw you out and separate, and to strike your most vulnerable in turn. Let the flies buzz about as much as they like and as far as they like; they know closing the distance is suicide. Far better to keep them on-field as a known and ranged quanytity, safely dancing to your tune while...
From the Essay “The Fallacy of Democracy”
...directed mostly at the Federation but of course applies to any who would champion this rotting system;
Democracy makes the mistake of assuming that everyone's opinion should carry the same weight. That the lowest in society, who contribute nothing of value save their physical and mental obedience to their superiors, have the same vested interest as those who have a true stake in the way things operate. The particularly Gallente and to a lesser extent State idea that anyone can "rise up" through hard work and ingenuity is a lie. If anyone could do it, then you would have no poor in your society, no individuals who are nothing but drains to your common welfare. The powerful are such for a reason, and the weak as well. To give them false hope that their opinions matter, that things will be different in the future, is a disservice to them. Better they should know their place in society, be aware of their natural state of servitude, and take comfort in that realization. Democracy merely consists of choosing your masters after they've told you what you think it is you want to hear....
….I suppose it comes down to democratic peoples feeling that they need always come to some sort of compromise with each other to get anything done. “Compromise” implies you do not feel strongly enough of your own position, do not have the strength of conviction to see it through undiluted and towards fruition.
I'm also dismayed at the fluidity of these democratic systems. Laws change as often as the wind. Changing the members of the government every few years and then changing many of the laws to suit their whims, it's insanity. I fail to see how a law can suddenly be NOT a law; it's as if the basis of your laws are only supported so long as one temporary group of leaders agree with it. As soon as they are changed, so go their laws, which will soon be repealed and changed for the next group. It's amazing anyone knows what they can and cannot do in that society...
Inspirational Quotes
The flame given you by someone else can only burn so bright. But the flame you give yourself has no equal.
"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women"
Ancient Khanid response to "What is best in life?"
'The Pillars of Faith
Avarice The Insatiable desire for material wealth and gain
Lust Pleasures of the flesh. One must not be held back or restricted against fully exploring these areas.
Pride Unshakable faith in your own abilities and supremacy.
Will Self Control. Self Discipline. The ability to have your desires made manifest.
Inordinate feelings of hatred and anger towards one's enemies.