The Intermediary
Epic Mission Arc: Penumbra
Mission 1: The Intermediary
This is the first mission of the Caldari Epic Arc "Penumbra". The mission starts from a beacon named after the starting agent Aursa Kunivuri in Josameto.
Mission type: Contact, Arc Mission
Recommended Damage: N/A
Recommended Resists: N/A
System: Josameto (0.6)
System destination: Poinen (0.6) 1 Jumps
Deadspace: No
Previous Mission: N/A
Next Mission: Mission 2: Trust and Discretion
Mission Briefing
Deliver 1 x Dossier - Author Unknown (1.0m3) to agent
Deliver the Dossier - Author Unknown to Katsen Isha at Poinen IV - Moon 13 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio station.
250,000 credits.
Bonus Rewards: 1,440,000 credits if completed within 6 hours.
Total: 1,690,000 credits
When you are in station, double click on agent's name to complete the mission. This will automatically complete the mission.
Aditional Information
Nugoeihuvi Corporation
The Caldari State’s answer to the cultural powerhouses of the Federation, Nugoeihuvi Corporation (more commonly known as simply “NOH”) is one of the leading entertainment providers of the cluster.
Nugoeihuvi Corporation is rumored to have dealings with criminals and others of questionable moral character, although their working relationship with the real-estate giant Sukuuvestaa Corporation, for instance, has helped the company maintain at least the appearance of discretion at most times. Every day, all sorts of NOH goods flow freely to consumers across State space, frequently with little or no questions asked.