Talk:Hornet EC-300

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Revision as of 15:03, 12 November 2012 by Eli Green (Talk)

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EC-300s have become quite popular in the latest iteration of Factional Warfare. These drones do not provide significant jamming power on their own, but when used in larger groups can effectively prevent you from attacking (this is especially true for roaming fleets in which several ships may be carrying them). There are a few ways to deal with EC-300s including, smartbombing, shooting them conventionally, or destroying their user. In theory any of these should work, but given the nature of Faction Warfare PVP the latter option is the most common. All in all they are a great option if you have extra space in your drone bay and are venturing out into the Faction Warfare Battlegrounds.

Please note: There is an interesting split of opinions concerning the use of EC-300s and other ECM drones within the player base. Some considering them to be a valid and almost necessary tactic, others considering them to be dishonorable and used only by cowards.
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