The Nuclear Small Arms Project

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Revision as of 16:41, 9 November 2012 by GRIM REAPERjib (Talk)

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Please note: This article needs improvement, if you come across this signature please take a moment to more fully document the ships found here.

Escalation 1


Escalation 2

Need escalation message

7 x (Drone) Elite Cruisers 20-25km away
Please note: Dont bother shooting them, they warp away.

"A small group of Angel ships have warped into the area.

Ship Computer: Distress signals can be detected being sent between the Drone Controllers. The Angel ships have left the area."

Please note: Ships warp off and you are left with empty space and the mammoth, give it a few minutes for a spawn with possible domination frigate. Leave your tank running in case you become distracted when waiting.

"Angel Gang Leader: That's them! Attack!"
5 x (Battle Cruiser) Gistias Praefectus
2 x ( Destroyer) Gistor Thrasher
1x (Frigate) Domination Impaler

Escalation 3

Escalation message:

"It looks like you were not the only one to pick up the distress call from that transport and luckily enough your instruments got a lock on the ship that warped out. After a few milliseconds of number crunching, your navigation computer comes up with this location as its most probable destination. "

"The ship you have tracked can be seen inside this area. However it seems to be activating up its warp-drive ...."

Please note: On warp in you are 280km from 8-10 elite frigs, 6 sentry guns and 6 cruisers and one Domination Haunter (destroyer). Warp to the group otherwise you take sentry fire while you burn in

Escalation 4

Warning: Escalation 4 is in Low Security space

Escalation message:

"Your calculations were a bit off, but luckily you managed to get another reading before the Angel ship warped out. "

warp in 15 battle cruisers 15 frig/destroyers 7 sentry guns


Warning: 20km 75% web range on Secret Angel Facility
Please note: On warp in

"As you enter the area, you notice an impressive facility of some sort looming in the horizon."
Please note: When attacking the angel facility 3x BC's 4x Cruisers, 4x Elite Frigs and 4x Destroyers spawn

"More enemy ships have appeared!"
Please note: When the Secret Angel Facility is destroyed the following is shown, loot is in the can from it

"It looks like you have managed to destroy a facility developing one of the hottest new commodities in the galactic underworld, the Nuclear Small Arms. As far as you know, none of these new wepons have hit the market yet, but from the look of this place, it is not long until common criminals will go nuclear. You cant help wondering what is wrong with the good old sawed off shotgun."
Please note:
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