Regional Angel Backup Server

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Revision as of 11:38, 8 November 2012 by Mirina Avalhar (Talk)

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Cosmic Signature Details
Local Angel Production Installation
Signature Strength 2.5%
Type Radar
Equipment needed Codebreaker
Security Highsec
Known Regions Metropolis
Pirate type Angel Cartel

The Regional Angel Backup Server is one of many Radar Sites that can be found in low security space in Angel Cartel held territory. See Pirate Faction Occupancy Chart for location details. As with all Radar sites, it is found through exploration.

Warp-in Message:

"Hacking Site: A myriad of technological marvels inhabit this area of space; the physical guts of a powerful and well protected computerized network. A Codebreaker module will be invaluable in uncovering the secrets that are likely hidden here, locked away inside data vaults and heavily encrypted digtal networks."
Initial Defenders

No defenders on warp in.

Spawns from Hacking

1-? (Cruiser) Angel Cruiser

Hackable Systems (These may contain Minmatar type Decryptors, Datacores, "Cryptic Data" BPCs and Invention Materials)
2 x Angel Com Tower
2 x Angel Info Shard
2 x Angel Mainframe
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