Anoikis Signature Strength List

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Signature Bands in Anoikis
Bands for Unknown Signatures in Anoikis
class 1/10
(10.0%) Band
(6.67%) Band
(5.0%) Band
(4.0%) Band
(2.5%) Band
(2.22%) Band
(1.25%) Band
all wormhole K162
generic exit
class 1
wormhole N110
c1 to high
wormhole J244
c1 to low
wormhole Z060
c1 to null

wormhole H121
c1 to c1
wormhole C125
c1 to c2
wormhole O883
c1 to c3
wormhole M609
c1 to c4
wormhole L614
c1 to c5
wormhole S804
c1 to c6 **
class 2 static wormhole B274
c2 to high
wormhole A239
c2 to low
wormhole E545
c2 to null
wormhole Z647
c2 to c1
wormhole D382
c2 to c2
wormhole O477
c2 to c3
wormhole Y683
c2 to c4
wormhole N062
c2 to c5
wormhole R474
c2 to c6
class 3
wormhole U210
c3 to low
wormhole D845
c3 to high
wormhole K346
c3 to null

wormhole N968
c3 to c3
wormhole T405
c3 to c4
wormhole V301
c3 to c1
wormhole I182
c3 to c2
wormhole N770
c3 to c5
wormhole A982
c3 to c6
class 4
wormhole C247
c4 to c3
wormhole X877
c4 to c4
wormhole P060
c4 to c1
wormhole N766
c4 to c2
wormhole H900
c4 to c5
wormhole U574
c4 to c6 **
class 5
wormhole H296
c5 to c5
wormhole V753
c5 to c6
wormhole E175
c5 to c4 ***
wormhole Y790
c5 to c1
wormhole D364
c5 to c2 **
wormhole M267
c5 to c3 ***

wormhole Z142
c5 to null
wormhole C140
c5 to low
wormhole D792
c5 to high
class 6
wormhole V911
c6 to c5
wormhole W237
c6 to c6
wormhole L477
c6 to c3
wormhole Z457
c6 to c4
wormhole Q317
c6 to c1
wormhole G024
c6 to c2 **

wormhole Z142
c6 to null
wormhole C140
c6 to low
wormhole D792
c6 to high
*Publication on psudo-statics to come soon... until then, see this post.
**I suspect there was an error in the original data: all wormholes in the 1/80 band should probably be in the newly discovered 1/45 band.
***M267 should probably be in the 1/20 band and E175 in the 1/25 band

Gravimetric Signature Bands in Anoikis
1/10 1/20 1/40 Unknown
Common Perimeter Deposit Unexceptional Frontier Deposit Isolated Core Deposit -
Ordinary Perimeter Deposit Average Frontier Deposit Uncommon Core Deposit
Infrequent Core Deposit
Unusual Core Deposit
Exceptional Core Deposit
Rarified Core Deposit
Class locations extrapolated from observed patterns in Anoikis Grav Sites.

Ladar Signature Bands in Anoikis
1/10 1/20 1/40 Unknown
Barren Perimeter Reservoir Bountiful Frontier Reservoir Vital Core Reservoir -
Token Perimeter Reservoir Vast Frontier Reservoir Instrumental Core Reservoir
Minor Perimeter Reservoir
Sizeable Perimeter Reservoir
Ordinary Perimeter Reservoir
Class locations extrapolated from observed patterns in Anoikis Ladar Sites.

Magnetometric Signature Bands in Anoikis Radar Signature Bands in Anoikis
class 1/40 Unknown 1/40 Unknown
class 1 Forgotten Perimeter Coronation Platform - Unsecured Perimeter Amplifier -
Forgotten Perimeter Power Array Unsecured Perimeter Information Center
class 2 Forgotten Perimeter Gateway Unsecured Perimeter Comms Relay
Forgotten Perimeter Habitation Coils Unsecured Perimeter Transponder Farm
class 3 Forgotten Frontier Recursive Depot Unsecured Frontier Database
Forgotten Frontier Quarantine Outpost Unsecured Frontier Receiver
class 4 Forgotten Frontier Conversion Module Unsecured Frontier Digital Nexus
Forgotten Frontier Evacuation Center Unsecured Frontier Trinary Hub
class 5 Forgotten Core Data Field Unsecured Frontier Enclave Relay
Forgotten Core Information Pen Unsecured Frontier Server Bank
class 6 Forgotten Core Assembly Hall Unsecured Core Backup Array
Forgotten Core Circuitry Disassembler Unsecured Core Emergence
Sources: Project Atlas and data shared by Elisa Fir.
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