9th Fleet

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Name 9th Fleet
Ticker 9th
Type Low-Sec
Founded 13.10.06
Status Disbanded
Contact details
Alliance CEO Galack Fyar, Soviet Orelius
Public Channel
Website [ ]
Executor Irulan Agamemnon

"9 Children were born and 8 have fallen. With our hearts in hand we take their spirits to the stars. Hallowed be the 9th"



The 9th Fleet was an alliance originally formed and created by players of other online space based game called Homeworld. The alliance was created by Splice and members of Red Alert Corp (later transitioning into Turbulent Subversion) and allies from Wings of Redemption, Proteus Ship Services, Dire Trucking, Hidden Realm Inc. and Phantom Aerospace. Centered around the Ladistier, Old Man Star and Aeschee the alliance was designed to combat roaming pirates by providing a strong fleet presence for members and a central location for members to roam freely. Operating under NBSI the alliance engaged in many battles , gate camps, and more provided many targets and fun for members while ship losses kept the industrial base busy at all times.


After a few months the first alliance leadership went inactive including CEOs due to real life events. This left the organization leaderless and an alliance in name alone. After some discussion, a reorganization took place where many corps CO-CEOs or directors stepped up to lead the alliance. At this time the alliance was less than 200 members but would swell to over 400 members in a matter of six months through the hard work of members of leaders thus adding new corps such as including Foxfire Industries, Interstellar Business Machines, International Brotherhood, Mutually Assured Destruction, and Gene Works. Each of these corps brought needed logistics and security to the alliance and helped bolster the organization wallet and membership.

Golden Age


At its height the alliance housed 12 corporations, with 421 members total. The alliance practiced a communal council lead government with each member corp equally voting on major issues. Major projects including freighter construction, carrier construction, Research POSes, and transport services. Due to long standing connections the alliance also had safe havens in Syndicate which allowed for members to rat and repair security status when needed. To aid in training new members, a training corporation initiative was undertaken with all corporations offering time and assets to build and a large cache of ships, skills, mods and more to aid in training new members for each corporation thus sharing the logistical and combat knowledge of all corps for the benefit of all.

Local Expansion & Conflict

With this expansion the alliance began aggressive actions in neighboring systems and regions. Along with running the low sec pipe from Murethan towards Costelle and out to Syndicate the alliance also began to clash with a local corps that was turning named The Dead Parrot Shoppe. This corp had set up large scale market operations in Aeschee which traditionally was a pass through system . This brought massive amounts of traffic from outlaws and other pirates who would normally travel towards Syndicate thus creating a security risk for the local area requiring a stronger stance. 9th Fleet openly began engaging in raids into Aeschee targeting corps attempting to bolster the market. In response The Dead Parrot Shoppe reached out to local corps who they had supplied for mediations and support including former alliance members and founders Red Alert Corp now titled MicroFunk and Turbulent Subversion which obviously created some tension within the fleet.

With the support of local allies The Dead Parrot Shope Inc. banded with local corps and created a new alliance known as BRUCE. This alliance was formed in secret and was a shock to the leadership of the 9th Fleet and created two power blocs in side by side systems. Initial raids into Aeschee against BRUCE yielded many victories including a single day where 9 BRUCE and allied vessels being destroyed in the course of a few hours by pilots from Dire Trucking , Hidden Realm Inc, and Phantom Aerospace. The next days had small skirmishes and eventually led to the first major battle of 9th Fleet versus BRUCE in Aeschee. The primary battle culminated under sentry guns near station when an alliance member Soviet Orelius flew an Armageddon fitted only with smart bombs on a suicide run against a BRUCE frigate blob. Upon approach the smart bombs were detonated resulting in multiple ship and pod casualties including many alliance leaders.

War and Exodus

To the shock of 9th Fleet our original founders from Red Alert Corp now MicroFunks and Turbulent Subversion declared war on us along with BRUCE. This war declaration pitted friends against friends and because of this a founding corps Wings of Redemption left the alliance along with key combat pilots. Though no major battles were fought by 9th Fleet against BRUCE, the only major battle of the war was fought on the Allamotte to Villore gate resulting in the loss of multiple 9th Fleet vessels, and one TBSV battleship, again with no involvement from BRUCE. Faced with a few skirmishes and loses to industrial elements it was decided by the alliance leadership to search for a new home that can support the alliance and its future aims. The decision was made by one of the leaders to hire Mercenary Coalition MC and Mentally Unstable Enterprises MENTL to cover the retreat to the new home in Bantish located in Genesis. With the 9th Fleet arriving in iit's staging system of Simela, the alliance ran regular camps of the single entry gate for another week until all parties lost interest.



After escaping the war zone many corps left the alliance and it's number dropped to about 300. Moving into Bantish afforded the alliance a new home in an empty region in a system with over 20 asteroid belts but no market. Shortly thereafter The Privateer Alliance declared war on 9th Fleet which resulted in the alliance pulling into it's low sec home. After many skirmishes and even wins and losses Privateer Alliance began attacking high sec industrial assets. This posed a problem for many of the corps and lead to further dissension and eventually lead to the founding corps disbanding or leaving the alliance.


With the loss of so many members those who chose to stay within the alliance made many hard choices. Members from Phantom Aerospace, Gene Works, and Dire Trucking left their prospective corps and joined newly created corp Demise and Vestige and Hidden Realm in the drastically reduced alliance. From this point till disbanding 9th Fleet was a small alliance, focused on gang tactics basing itself in Genesis and Syndicate. Upon the disbanding of the alliance many members joined sister alliance Black Flag BLACK as well as OSS. Remaining members joined a handful corps that remained in Genesis until merging or disbanding.

"Hallowed be the 9th"

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