Sixty-Three is a corp based in Amarrian high sec space. Activities range from simple mining to fleeted mission running, and the occasional pvp*.
-- Activities We Do -- Divisions
Activities We Do
~ Teaching ~ Mining ~ Missioning ~ Planetary Interface ~ Exploration ~ Limited PvP* ~ Manufacturing
- PvP of any type must be sanctioned by the corp leadership first unless purely in self defense. Other conditions may apply.
Here at 63, We realize the chain of command is extremely important for any successful corporation to thrive. With this being said, we have devised a few "Divisions" for members to join so that members can be involved more-so in doing what it is that they are interested in doing, while they can get more direct support and help with like-minded corpies.
Each division has their own minor chain of command so a division can operate on its own without having to rely on the corp leadership entirely.
The divisions we have active now are:
~ Mining ~ Missioning ~ Exploration
Each of these divisions will be explained as to what their benefit would be to the member and the corp below.
Mining division
The mining division is for all the iners in the corp, and also the first stage of our 3 stage training process for those who aren't sure What they are interested in doing in EVE.