Signal Strength

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In order to calculate signature strengths, the first thing to determine is the Probe Sensor Strength.

Probe Sensor Strength

Probe Sensor Strength is determined by multiplying the probes' Base Sensor Strength with the Sensor Strength Multiplier.

Sensor Strength Multiplier(s)
Type Name (Max)Bonus Notes
Ship Racial Scanning Frigate 25.0% 5% per skill level
Covert Ops 50.0% 10% per skill level
Strategic Cruiser with Emergent Locus Analyzer 50.0% 10% per skill level
Skills Astrometric Rangefinding 50.0% 10% per skill level
Probes Sisters probes 10.0%
RSS Core Scanner Probes 12.5%
Probe Launcher T2 Launcher 5.0%
Sisters Launcher 10.0%
Rigs Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I 10.0%
Gravity Capacitor Upgrade II 15.0%
2 × Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I 21.0%
Implants 'Prospector' AR-802 2.0%
'Prospector' AR-806 6.0%
'Prospector' AR-810 10.0%
Faction implants Low-grade Virtue up to 33.83% varies per implant

So, a maximum skilled capsuleer with 'Prospector' AR-810 implant and a full Low-grade Virtue set plugged in, fllying in a Covert-ops frigate which has been improved with 2 Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I rigs, using RSS Core Scanner Probes launched from a Sisters Core Probe Launcher has the maximum Probe Sensor Strength of 198.39

Signature Strength

Each cosmic signature has a Signature Strength. The maximum Signal Strength picked up by your scan probes is determinded by the formula:

Maximum Signal Strength = Signature Strength × Probe Sensor Strength × Probe Multiplier
Signature Strength is site specific,
Probe Sensor Strength is described above,
Probe Multiplier is 0.25 when using a single probe*).
For each step above the probes minimum radius (= maximum strength), the maximum Signal Strength is devided by 2

The actual, Reported Signal Strength is commonly lower than the maximum: the distance to the target will influence the results. With multiple probes, the angles between the probes to the target signature also have a major effect on the signature strength reported in the scan results.

The scan probe deviation mainly affects the reported location and distance to the target signature. It does not seem to affect reported signature strength.

*) This value is leftover from when a maximum of 4 probes where used to determine the Reported Signal Strength and had a combined Probe Multiplier of 1. Since then, the algorithm used by the game has been updated, the Probe Multiplier for a single probe is still 0.25.

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