Chat Channel - CORFF pub
- 7.1 Wormhole Space
- 7.2 Tools
- 7.3 Incursion Community
- 7.3.1 Sansha incursion patterns
- 7.3.2 Typical Tagging Protocol used
- 7.3.3 Incursion Fleet - Basic Overview Setup - Filter Types
- 7.3.4 Shield Incursion Fleets - Broadcasting Priority Buttons
- 7.3.5 One Stop Guide
- 7.3.6 Fitting Guide for shield fleets
- 7.3.7 Sansha Shiptypes - Incursions
- 7.3.8 Sansha Shiptypes - Targeting Priority
- 7.3.9 Logistics Commander Guide
- 7.4 General Eve Lore
- 7.5 Media & Fun
- 7.6 Mining & Industrial - Planets, Moons, Ice & Asteroids
- 7.7 Trade
- 7.8 Guides
- 7.9 Mapping
- 7.10 Fittings Advice and Loadouts
- 7.11 KillBoards
- 9 About This Webpage
- 10 Chat Channel General Policy
Casual players may find that there is more to Eve than is first expected over time. This does not mean that all gameplay styles and activities can be achieved alone, With the right links, means to learn experience, and having this at a centralised point can assist the promotion of the Eve game and help show that there is life beyond the boundaries of where you are in your character(s) career(s)
Fly Smart o7
1) Recruitment is allowed in CORFF pub channel. Spamming is not...... Please use some common sense so everyone gets a chance.
2) Placement of porn links or offensive material is not smart. Some of us have families out there and do not want to be in a channel that lets young people get access to inappropriate material. Keep it clean or take it elsewhere if you are that desperate.
3) Management may block access to CORFF pub for players that deliberately cause distress to others
Nullsec Opportunities
Covering corporations that want to build an empire, intend to keep it, and anyone disagreeing gets the hot-drop-o-clock special prize with added explosive for flavouring. We all want freedom and anyone is free to disagree with you. Go forward into oblivion for your life may save many more and free the Realm of Eve from your sworn enemies.
NEED TO LEARN NULLSEC ? "OUCH" is a nullsec survival and PvP training corp. If you haven't had much luck in nullsec (0.0 space), then we can help you. Join for their forum website.
PvP Opportunities for the Insane. Nullsec drive for new frontiers ! "Zebra Corp" is currently recruiting. Forging ahead with ferocious drive these pilots don't stop the determination. Check out the "Zebra Corp Logged Statistics"
March of the Thousands
All of the Alliances listed below have more than 2000 pilot members
The Aurora Shadow
- For the "Killboard". Recruitment is invite or recommendation only! Diplomat channel 'Diplo - TASHA'. Diplomats: Aura Ikku, KageNoTenshi, Vistus Geyer
Razor Alliance
An Alliance Based on free Sex and a close shave. Open to Corps in all timezones with 100+ members. Diplo Contacts : EU - Eld83 (DE/EN) , Heptameron (EN/Wanker) , IceMen24 (DE/EN), US - MrRx7 (EN)
Fatal Ascension
More than just a group of pilots; FA are a collective of people and corporations with common goals, a common vision and strong feeling of kinship and loyalty to each other.
FA is a NBSI alliance, operating out of Fade, Cloud Ring and Pure Blind. We offer good 0.0 space. Target rich environments for active pilots and a fun atmosphere.
Join FA EMBASSY in-game chat channel for diplomatic matters.
Against ALL Authorities
Ally diplo = RAT herculetz, VVS AdmiralStranger (Jaden Kasan) - only russian, WARH Christos Hendez
AAA Citizens
Ingame contacts : (English) Mr Ozzy, (Russian) Greene Lee
Intrepid Crossing
IRC Diplomats :
Alliance Recruitment - Takhion / Cosmoboy / McTripline, Military / Political - Neterti Axexut
Solar Citizens
Diplomats : Insmother: stainodratel Cache : Akademik
Drone regions: Perrigen Falls: Monark Starstalker The Spire: Fifa Sazas Outer Passage: Solar Asuka Oasa\Kalevala\Etherium - Akademik Malpais : Mactep
Test Alliance Please Ignore
- for the website. For Diplomatic Contacts: Leetcheese - Head Diplomat, Backtrace - Diplomat (Russian), DurrHurrDurr - Diplomat, Viktor Villiance - Diplomat, Walter Stine - Diplomat, Gia Artifex - Diplomat (French), Guillane Itaril - Diplomat (German), Dr Kang - Diplomat (Corporate Recruitment)
Goonswarm Federation
Diplomatic contacts :
For standings contact tector For allied comms issues contact Courthouse If they aren't on the following are alliance diplomatic contacts: sion kumitomo Hratli smirks Courthouse Tector Gicer Oldpueblo Taaii Nerve staple
Piracy & PvP Driven Futures
Covering pure blood lust and malicious death tempered with skill and guts. Fill your cargo with booty warriors ! Find your pirate and PvP futures here......
Dead Pod Society
Want Genesis region and beyond in Amarr Space ? Want to meet interesting people, ..... then kill them in a ball of flame ? Intrepid pilots willing to engage even the biggest ships in their pods with blazing hearts of fire ! "Dead Pod Society Statistics" - Saving ships from fail fits since 2005
Shadow Cartel
Setting new heights in pro PvP. Do you have what it takes ?
Never ending warfare sound like your style ? Want "The_Forge" region in Caldari space and beyond ? Try out Red Federation so you can kick some Republican pilot back to where they belong ! PvP for the Fanatical and the new pilots alike ! How about the Blue Republic for those that are wanting to stomp those Federation pilots ? Join chat "R-V-B" for more info and Q&A. for an example RvB battle (normal browser)
Agony Unleashed
Nullsec PVP corp specialising in small gang warfare. Join channel 'Agony Public' for more info.
'Get you corporation/alliance represented here !
Intermediate Communities - A Bit of Everything
Covering corporations that are bridging the gap between high/low/null sec space with no one particular focus. May include a variety of game play styles
Industrial pursuits and missions to your liking ? Black Sun Brethren - Lowsec/highsec corporation working toward higher capability.
Eve University - For the driven new players -
'Get you corporation/alliance represented here !
live events - Chat channel to keep up with what is happening and where it is !
Incursion Groups - These groups below provide a means to find a fleet in incursions. Due to the nature of surviving the Sansha hoardes the fleets recruitment may exclude selected individuals, corporations and/or alliances due to their associated playing style, and those pilots that are in a state of war.
The Valhalla Project
Shield fleet incursion chat channel fighting the might of the Sansha ! Help put the abductees out of misery with your firepower now !
Chat channel for shield fleets to form from.
The Ditanian Fleet
Chat channel for armor fleets to form in. Previously invite only, this may change without notice.
Jove Warships ?!
Yes, there are Jove warships in existence. Oservatons indicate they are fitted with a local jump drive capability ! Watch on your normal browser for some of the designs
Capital Ships In High Security Space !?
It's not fiction ! Capital ships do still exist in high security space "They sure do !" For your rumour mill, articles and advice needs
Hulkageddon - The Last One...
"Hulkageddon 5 - The Next Episode !" - for the previous Hulkageddon. Find out what its about and an idea of what's coming for Hulkageddon 6....
CCP broadcast towers for your Eve news from CCP broadcast towers
Eve News24 for Eve News !
Eve Tribune - News for Eve News !
Get your Trading Links & Services advertised here !
Jump Clones
FREE jumpclone service ! Go to "Estel Arador Corp Services"
Courier Services
Red Frog Freight services. Sending deliveries across the peaceful side of the empire. "Try this freight trip calculator to find out the costs for your special delivery"
CORFF in Genesis Region Sales - Offers item and pre-fitted ships can made available for YOUR corp on contract !
Emerald Bazaar - Genesis trading channel for exchanging contracts, advice, tips and bargains
Wormhole Space
General Guide
Project Atlas
For a more in depth interest in a future concerning the use of Wormhole space I would consider promoting the remarkable achievements of "Project Atlas".
Womhole Map Tool
Navigation - Baffled by the apparent randomness of W-Space travel. Perhaps not if you want to use the "Womhole Map Tool - designed to aid explorers and W space cartographers of New Eden map the systems of W space and report on the probable static type of each WH"
Quantum Flux Generator - Infrastructure Upgrade
Gas Cloud Mining Guide
Gas Mining information can be found in the "Gas Cloud Mining Guide" with information specifics available also on "Reports on types of gas clouds found in W-Space"
Cyno Jump Planner to get you where you want to be in the coolest possible way there :)
EVEHQ - Multi-tool
"Download webpage" for the EVEHQ multitool via your normal browser.
Teamspeak 3 Program - Voice Communications
"Download webpage" for the teamspeak 3 client via your normal browser
Incursion Community
Sansha incursion patterns
Reported by fleets and CONCORD scouts
Typical Tagging Protocol used
"Illustration" and also "Protocol"
Incursion Fleet - Basic Overview Setup - Filter Types
Shield Incursion Fleets - Broadcasting Priority Buttons
"Shield Incursion Fleet - Broadcasting Priority Buttons - Where are they?"
One Stop Guide
"Guide Hub for the heart of the anti-Sansha movement"
Fitting Guide for shield fleets
"Principled Design Compilation"
Sansha Shiptypes - Incursions
"Scout Observation Reports" - Written by Nomatech with the help of many pilot observations and lost hulls
Sansha Shiptypes - Targeting Priority
"List" - By Nomatech and Daiseycutter
Logistics Commander Guide
"Logistics Commander Guide" - Written by Nomatech
General Eve Lore
Main Empire Factions
The four main empire factions are Caldari, Minmatar, Gallente and Amarr
Main Pirate Factions
"These are the pirate factions"
COSMOS Constellations for adventures into the Eve story
Media & Fun
Eve Radio !
Alternate Eve music
Gambling that isk for great fun !
"Emptying your pocket faster than you can blink your eyes"
Mining & Industrial - Planets, Moons, Ice & Asteroids
Ore Purchase Information and Ore Refining Ratios
Moon mineral reaction table
Planet materials and processing tables
"Use External browser to voew/print the PDF file" "PI materials and processing tables. Use External browser to view/print the PDF file"
Manufacturing Assistant
List of Gas Clouds for Booster Components
Market Trend and Price Research
Where are those bargains ?
Loyalty Point Stores Database
Jita Prices + Tools
"Get your Jita prices with ease!" with some seriously useful "tools" to boot :)
Starbase Advice
"Starbase Advice (Post Crucible Expansion)"
Industrial Size Knowledge Database - For Advice On Everything Eve - One stop guide. Use external browser in order to download the PDF file
"Regional Information Portal" courtesy of
Printable Maps
For all Eve K-Space. Use external browser for the useful PDF file
Fittings Advice and Loadouts
Battleclinic - General
"For pre-made fittings, advice and opinions"
Incursions - Shield Fleets
External websites for combat statistics. Good for reference, ego and egg
DOTLAN website provides a useful system report on combat activity via its detailed map system. "for the example in action"
ALL video requires the use of your normal browser to play. Some of these have become classics over time with the excellent work gone into the production of these videos linked below.
Clear Skies site for the three classic full length movies of the Clear Skies crew to download. Made using Eve and Half Life based engines for all you Hot-Drop-o-Clock fans out there
Carriers - Pantheon Remote Repair
Carrier warfare - Pantheon Remote Repairing "Rooks & Kings : Clarion Call 2"
Wormhole Warfare
Wormhole Warfare in action "Rooks & Kings : Clarion Call 3"
Sovereignty Map
"1686 Days of Eve Online Influence/Sovereignty Map 2007 to Apr 2012"
Pirate 101 - Classic
"Eve Online Pirate 101" - A classic basics guide for freeing pilots of shiny booty
The Sansha Invasion of Uedema
When the wormholes began to spawn Uedema burned -
Jita Burns
Goosswarm swept into Jita with destruction in mind ! - Jita Burns - The Mittani Message
One Battle
One Battle - Your life flashes before your eyes
About This Webpage
This actually started as a corp motd with helpful shortcuts. When the CEO finally gave up seemingly forever linking these handy guides, information, tools, recommendations....... the motd turned into a chat channel motd for first private use, then later, for public use. When the motd started to take over the chat channel the motd was transferred to this webpage as part of the EVElopedia guide.
All suggestions are welcome.
In all cases listings that are known may compromise internet security/gameplay, be linked to scams, offensive material or anything that would be deemed illegal will not be listed.
Chat Channel General Policy
- CORFF pub is not biased for or against any particular gameplay style.
- It is not recommended to exchange intelligence information in CORFF pub that could compromise the gameplay of other players including your own.
- It is recommended that you avoid specifics when asked questions and rely on neutral helpful advice so everyone gets assistance without anyone losing out.
- Trading, advice, jokes and smiles are encouraged in CORFF pub. Spamming is not.