Blood owned station
This is an escalation from the losec combat site Blood Minor Annex
Escalation Part 1
The escalation sent me 8 jumps through losec from the initial site.
Only one room when site is warped to. It contains 5 battleships (macharials) 5 or 6 webbing frigates, 6 Assorted missile batteries and an overseer cruiser. DPS wasnt a massive issue (passive drake) but bear in mind being 6xwebbed with 6 lots of cruise/heavy missiles hitting you plus the machs orbiting at 3km could ruin your day if you arent careful. Also the damage profile was Angels, not Blood Raiders (apart from the Overseer which was EM/Therm) despite this being an escalation from a Blood Raiders site.
Overseer dropped dark blood armor hardener, dark blood cap power relay, the obligitary blood laser crystal and generated no T2 salvage. Site was worth about 65-70mil based roughly on Jita prices for the faction mods plus another few mil in bounties and took maybe 10 minutes to clear.
(To be continued - will update when I have run the next part).