Serpentis Phi-Outpost

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Revision as of 16:23, 31 January 2012 by Elder Ozzian (Talk)

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Complex Details
Serpentis Phi-Outpost
Signature Strength 5.0% (highsec) 10.0% (lowsec)
Type Unknown
DED rating 4/10
Security Highsec, Lowsec
Known Regions Essence, Everyshore, Placid, Sinq Laison, Solitude, Verge Vendor
Pirate type Serpentis Corporation

This DED-rated complex can be found in serpentis inhabited high- or low-sec space. The acceleration gates are configured to allow battlecruisers and smaller ships.

Warp-in message

"The Serpentis-Phi alliance control this mining outpost Business is limited but the owners of the outpost are nevertheless well-off.

DED Thread Assessment: Risky (4 0f 10)"

Room 1

"Important - The mission into the Outpost was not a success. Our agent crashed somewhere along with his cargo. Recommend a salvage mission ASAP!

The timer on the message shows this to be a very recent entry in the database, only a few hours old or so."

Initial Spawn

6 x (Frigate) Cereli Agent/Defender/Guard
6 x (Frigate) Cereli Patroller/Safeguard/Spy
5 x (Frigate) Coreli Watchman (Sensor Dampening)
3 x (Cruiser) Corelum Chief Defender/Protector
2 x (Cruiser) Corelum Chief Guard (Sensor Dampening)
3 x (Battlecruiser) Corelatis Squad/Wing Leader

The Electronically Sealed Container in the middle contains Stolen Passkey, 7th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects and some random items.

Unless you have the item Stolen Passkey, all of the hostiles have to be killed before the gate to the next room us unlocked.

Room 2

"The asteroid colonies that have been built here are for show only. This deadspace pocket contains labs and bunkers for booster production and advanced experimental neural implants."

Initial Spawn

1 x (Battleship) Phi Operation Protector (Drops deadspace items)

Targeting the Phi Operation Protector triggers four rapid spawns, organised into two linked groups: one which aggresses you, and the second one, which includes the battleship, likes to aggresses drones.

Additional Spawns

2 x (Frigate) Coreli Safeguard
3 x (Frigate) Coreli Patroller/Watchman (Sensor Dampening)
1 x (Cruiser Corelum Chief Defender
1 x (Cruiser Corelum Chief Guard (Sensor Dampening)
4 x (Frigate) Coreli Guard/Safeguard
4 x (Cruiser Corelum Chief Defender
3 x (Battlecruiser) Corelatis Squad/Wing Leader
5 x (Frigate) Coreli Agent/Initiate/Scout/Spy
1 x (Cruiser Corelum Chief Defender
1 x (Cruiser Corelum Chief Guard (Sensor Dampening)
2 x (Frigate) Coreli Guard
3 x (Frigate) Coreli Patroller/Watchman (Sensor Dampening)
2 x (Cruiser) Corelum Chief Patroller/Watchman (Sensor Dampening)
1 x (Battlecruiser) Corelatis Platoon Leader

The Phi Operation Protector drops his 8th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects and up to four random faction or deadspace items.

Personal tools
