Quantum Cats Syndicate

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Quantum Cats Syndicate (QCATS) is a privateer corporation authorized by the CONCORD Emergency Militia War Powers Act to wage "uncontested war within the boundaries of Empire space" on behalf of the Federal Defense Union.

QCATS is a NBSI corporation. Capsuleer corporations loyal to the Gallente Federation are encouraged to seek positive standings.

Diplomacy and standings inquiries, contact Omegris.

Public Channel: QCATS

Public Website: QCATS.com

QCATS Corporation Promo Video

Contact Onezen or X Gallentius for details and requirements on recruitment.

Corporate Rules

QCATS are an "honorable" combat corporation that respects a good fight and does not make tolerate drama or asshattery from it's members.

General Rules:

  • Respect your opponents
  • Do not smack talk, make threats, or start drama. In other words, be civil.
  • No asshattery (Ex can flipping in high sec, griefing noobs, scamming with your qcats toon, etc. If you think it might be asshattery, it probably is.)
  • Always honor arranged 1v1s

Fleet Rules:

  • Follow the orders of the Fleet Commander (FC)
  • If you do not like the orders of the FC, drop fleet and join another one with a better FC.
  • Keep comms clear durring battle.

Security Status:

  • QCATS are encouraged to maintain a security status above -5.0. This is due to a CCP feature to discourage pirates from enlisting in FW. Any FW member remote-repairing any GCC or -5 pilot, will incur a faction standing hit (ie Gallente Faction).

Rules of Engagement:

QCATS is under an NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) RoE.

Recruitment Notes

Thinking of applying to QCATS? Please keep the following in mind.

  • We do not have an SP limit, as even a T1 frigate can be a deadly foe and effective fleet member if fit and flown right.
  • We expect corp members to be active and ISK independent. Our 0% tax doesn't fund anything. All corp services are run by individual members who volunteer their time and effort to make the service a reality.
  • You will need Teamspeak. It is our primary means for voice comms.
  • We operate under "the 10% rule" (which is really more of a guideline ). That is if we have a 10% or greater chance of winning an engagement we will engage. This results in both epic kills and epic fails. Don't fly anything you can't afford to lose.
  • The most important rule, which we can not stress enough: Don't be a dick, jerk, or asshat. See the rules, listed above.

If after reading the above QCATS looks like a fun place for you, please include the following in your corp application:

  1. EVE Account ID
  2. EVE Limited API Key
  3. An Email Address ( for website/forums registration )

We will review your application and get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to evemail or convo chatgris, X Gallentius or Onezen in game.

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