Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W24: Recent EC meeting

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From Esna Pitoojee
Subject Recent EC meeting - issues NOT addressed
Date 113.12.18 00:46
Content Arek'Jaalan members,

I am sending this mailing to notify people that during the recent Ethics Committee meeting on 12/16, the issue of Nation associates within the Arek'Jaalan project was NOT addressed. This was due to the non-attendance of many directly involved in the discussion.

This is NOT a permanent dismissal of the topic, merely a postponement due to the foolishness of trying to discuss something with almost all involved not present.

Therefore, I am asking those directly involved or who would otherwise like to attend to mail me with what times would be best for them; I will announce another meeting once I have recieved enough responses to determine what time would be most optimal for those involved.

Thank you,
Esna Pitoojee
Interim Lead of Ethics Committee

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