X-Rated Holoreel

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Revision as of 06:39, 2 December 2011 by Suntzus Sister (Talk)

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Some of the most popular titles in New Eden have been produced by front corporations owned by Smiling Friends Social Club.

Naughtybits And Princess Tingly Navigate the Sargasso of Culturally Sanctioned Sexual Illiteracy

Cannibal Stewardess Vixens Unchained and other Meditations on the Arts of Love

The MasoSadochists Praxis: Why We Love the Ones We Hurt and Hurt the Ones We Love.

Some Holoreels produced by SFSC shell corps that are shown in health classes in Gallante space and illegal in Amarr space.

For kids:

Grownups Are Even Grosser Than Boogers (Professor Notyet explains why you were so much more right than you ever imagined, but that your parents love you anyway.)


Puberty: And You'll Be Even More Of A Freak If It Doesn't Happen To You (There's no escape. Lay back and enjoy it or fight for your very survival, the outcome is the same.)


How Not To Kill Yourselves Making Them, and Not Kill Them Preparing Them To Make More (Warning: This holo is as much about the consequences of sex as it is about the beast with a billion backs itself and despite extensive editing the contents remain as confusing as the title.)

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