Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W21: Acquisition Division Update

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From The Antiquarian
Subject Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division Update #7
Date 113.12.01 14:11
Content Greetings,

On behalf of the Arek’Jaalan Acquisition Division, we would like to thank everyone for the generous support made for the past months. It is because of your selfless contributions, that we finally have a place to call “home” in Eram. Building the Site One was no small feat and we should congratulate ourselves for being able to leave an everlasting landmark in the universe of EVE. This is just a foretaste of greater things to come from the Arek’Jaalan Project.

We are aware of an influx of dozens, if not hundreds of new pilots who have joined the Arek’Jaalan initiative. If you have not had the chance to visit our intranet, please feel free to do so. Since the Site One is complete, we would like to resume our effort in acquiring and stockpiling materials for future research purposes. Please kindly take a look at the Inventory Listing to see how you can help.

Lastly, we humbly ask for your assistance in gathering samples for the Project Tesseract. As part of an ongoing project that falls under the Multidisciplinary Division, it seeks to understand the nature of the Seyllin Incident and the role of A0 Blue stars, and Isogen-5.

The Project requires ore samples (50 – 100 samples) from systems with blue stars. More specifically, in order of criticality:
1) Systems with Shattered planets. From Aldrat, the two closest are Seyllin in Essence (Lowsec) and SL-YBS in Great Wildlands (Nullsec). We eventually hope to have samples from all of these systems.
2) A0 Blue stars. A great one for a sample that is close to you would be Barkrik. We are looking for a significant number of these.
3) O1 Blue stars. We need a handful of these to act as a control against the A0s.

If you are able to gain several of the sample materials mentioned above, please kindly contract them to the Acquisition Division from hi-sec location, and we will gladly relay the items to the Multidisciplinary Division. We also request that you specify where the ore samples derive from.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Warmest regards,
Arek’Jaalan Acquisition Division

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