Talk:Research agent
I'm still monitoring this page and will update as more interesting stuff comes up on the forums - Mara Rinn.
What circumstances will lead to the situation described in the warning box? I was sure that agents don't track personal standings, so surely it would be running a storyline mission for an enemy faction that would cause the agent to stop speaking to you?
You lose access to all of a faction's agents (including R&D agents) if your faction standing falls below -2. So it would indeed be a storyline mission that would cause that situation.
--Ruziel 06:22, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
Warning message
The warning message regarding soundwave discussion on wanting to remove research point from the game should be removed.
Wanting to do something is entirely different than planning on doing something. The warning message implies that soundwave intends to remove it, he is quoted as wanting to remove it.
There's no official plan to do so other than a quote from soundwave stating that he wants to do this.
(Brock Nelson wrote the above)
We had less warning about the jump bridge changes. We had less warning about the anomaly changes.
I believe the warning should stay - CCP Soundwave has indicated that he wants this part of the game changed. People should be aware of that before dedicating three months to grinding standings, buying books and training skills. It is up to the individual to decide whether CCP Soundwave's wishes will end up being implemented.
CCP Soundwave is lead game designer. He wouldn't be saying this kind of thing if he wasn't thinking it. These off-the-cuff comments during interviews tend to be the ones closest to the interviewee's real state of mind.
Mara Rinn 03:22, 12 August 2011 (UTC)
Update This Page?
I have a Level 3 Agent that shows more RP/Hr than a Level 4 Agent I am also using. I saw the note that said this may be a display error, but I have interacted with the Agent and it still displays the same figure. The amount of RP available corresponds to the displayed RP/Hr as well.
Where my question comes in is in figuring out the actual RP/Hr using the forumla shown on the page. Has it been updated since the major update to Agents came out, and is it correct? It does not produce the results I see in game. Now I may be wrong, but I am using 20 as the Research Agent's Quality... which I kind of thought had gone away with the Agent update.
Any help here?
From Mara Rinn: The Agent Quality might actually be effective quality (influenced by standings). I have not taken the time to derive the formula since the agent update. It does seem to accurately model the relationship between agent level and science level. — Mara Rinn 14:18, 26 November 2011 (UTC)