Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W17: Site One Acquisition Progress

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From The Antiquarian
Subject Site One Acquisition Progress
Date 113.10.29 19:28
Content Greetings,

The collection effort has resumed thanks to Dr. Hilen Tukoss’ safe return. Unfortunately, it appears as if the item requisition has been slowed considerately. Good news is that we only have five items to collect as followed:

Construction Block (150,113/250,000)
Synthetic Oil (146,942/450,000)
Water-Cooled CPU (149,119/800,000)
Supercomputers (7,532/50,000)
High-Tech Manufacturing Tools (5,437/8,000)

As you can note from above, we still have significant amount of materials to collect for the Site One Construction Project. Please contact your peers and fellow corporations to see whether anyone would be interested to help.

When contracting the items directly to Dr. Tukoss, please kindly send us a message specifying how much you’ve contracted so we can maintain an accurate listing of our progress.

Kind regards,
Arek’Jaalan Acquisition Division

From The Antiquarian
Subject Site One Acquisition Progress
Date 113.10.31 16:00
Content Dear Friends,

Relative to the first week when the Site One acquisition initiative was launched, our collection effort has been increasingly slow. Meeting the deadline is extremely crucial as it will allow us to build and operate the Site One in high-sec space.

We only have a week to fulfill the material requisition for the Project. In order to "expediate" the process, we at the Acquisition Division spent our personal funds to meet the acquisition for the Synthetic Oil and Water-Cooled CPU.

The only materials remaining to be collected are the following:

Construction Block: Approximately 80,000-90,000 more required
Supercomputers: Approximately 42,000 more required
High-Tech Manufacturing Tools: Approximately 2,400 more required

I already spent more than 11-12B of the personal funds to meet the material requirements. There are other munificent individuals who spent far more ISK and weeks of their valuable time to gather materials for the Site One Project. We humbly ask you; we humbly beg you, to do what you can to help us meet the deadline. Having a centralized location for researching and compiling our analysis will be invaluable for all of us. Lets make our dream come true.

Warmest regards,
Arek'Jaalan Acquisition Division

From Aidan Brooder
Subject Site One Acquisition Progress
Date 113.10.31 21:35
Content Hello Mr Antiquarian,

I just contracted another 40959 Construction Blocks to Hilen. You can count on the fact that Arek'Jalaan has very high priority on the Dynasphere Agenda, but our ressources are limited.
Best Regards,
Aidan Brooder

From Tarryn Nightstorm
Subject Site One Acquisition Progress
Date 113.10.31 22:00
Content Sir,

I have just contracted 1012 of the needed ca. 2400 High-Tech Manufacturing Tools to Dr. Tukoss, so that's that much closer to being done with, anyway.



From Steve Ronuken
Subject Site One Acquisition Progress
Date 113.10.31 22:02
Content Good Day,

I have just contracted another 10,697 Construction Blocks, 152 High-Tech Manufacturing Tools, and 141 super-computers.

Looking forward to seeing this project completed. While each Capsuleer may be a nation in their own right, It's when we come together that wondrous things can happen.

Steve Ronuken.

From Darkcoro Matari
Subject Site One Acquisition Progress
Date 113.10.31 22:04
Content I have just contracted 2000 Supercomputers and 7000 Construction Blocks to Dr. Tukoss. We are getting close, Capsuleers.
From Horatius Caul
Subject Site One Acquisition Progress
Date 113.10.31 22:07
Content The Kitzless provide 250 Supercomputers for the project, contracted to Mr. Tukoss.

Horatius Caul

From Arklan1
Subject Site One Acquisition Progress
Date 113.11.01 00:24
Content 2234 construction blocks and 76 high tech tools contracted!
From Bastian Valoron
Subject Site One Acquisition Progress
Date 113.11.01 04:28
Content Respected science community,

251 High-Tech Manufacturing tools contracted to Dr. Tukoss.

Sincerely, Bastian Valoron

From cargo2000
Subject Site One Acquisition Progress
Date 113.11.01 06:15
Content We can also tick off:

7460 construction blocks
135 Supercomputers
2000 High-tech Manufacturing Tools (enough to finish?)

contracted to The Antiquarian


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