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Home planet: New Caldari Prime in the New Caldari system. This is not the ancestral home of the Caldari; that honour belongs to Caldari Prime, which is controlled by the Gallente Federation.

A state built on corporate capitalism, the Caldari State is run by a few mega-corporations which divide the state between them, controlling every aspect of society. Each corporation is made up of thousands of smaller companies, ranging from industrial companies to law firms. All land and real estate is owned by a company which leases it out to the citizens, and government and policing are also handled by independent companies. Although this gives the corporations dictatorial powers, they are just as bound by Caldari customs and laws as the individual, and the fierce, continual competition between the corporations ensures a healthy, consumer-based social environment, which benefits everyone.

The Caldari State thrives on capitalism in every shape and form. It is based around several mega-corporations that own and rule most of the State. Every Caldari citizen is bound to the state-wheel from birth, by a complex web spun of duty and custom. While this sort of hyper-capitalistic society does not (yet?) exist in our own world, the closest comparisons would be some of the smaller Asian nations such as Singapore.

While the Caldari State may not be nearly as big as that of the Gallenteans (let alone the Amarrians), they are still universally feared and admired. Their economy is strong, and their military might easily parallels that of the larger empires. Given that they are more unscrupulous than the Gallenteans and more combative than the Amarrians, they are in many ways the most difficult of all the empires to deal with.

The Caldari are warlike and belligerent, a legacy of their hard-won independence from the Gallente Federation. For them, every societal dealing is a war, to be fought tooth and nail. Education and economical activity is greatly affected by this, encouraging competition and strife. While family values are strong, most Caldari identify first and foremost with belonging to the State as a whole, with being one of the cogs in a State machine that collectively makes them the strongest nation in the universe. Being the least numerous of the major empires goes a long way towards explaining their emphasis on working as a united front for the greater good of the nation.

Caldari society is steeped in military tradition. As a people, its members had to fight a long and bloody war to gain their independence, and even had to surrender their home planet to their hated enemies, the Gallenteans. It was at this time that the corporations established themselves as the driving force behind creating and maintaining the new Caldari State. Even if they have not engaged in war for many decades, they still strive to be at the cutting edge of military technology.

To curb their aggressive tendencies, the Caldari actively pursue and sponsor a range of sporting activities. Many of these are bloody gladiatorial competitions, while others are more like races. Whatever the sport, the Caldari love betting on the outcome; gambling is a massive industry in the State. The Caldari are generally wary of foreigners, fearing alien influences might spoil their beloved social stability. They are thus regarded as rather xenophobic by the other empires. Their economic and technological achievements, however, also make them the envy of others.

Yet this collective identity is the State's greatest strength, allowing it to focus totally on the problems at hand, solving them efficiently and quickly. Much stock is put in technological innovations to gain edge over other empires, making the State the most hi-tech of all the empires save for the enigmatic Jovians. Their pragmatic approach, while often seeming vaguely inhuman to outsiders, has time and again proven its worth to the Caldari. While the individual is generally viewed only in light of the community’s needs, every Caldari aims to achieve personal perfection, to be the best cog he can possibly be. Advancing up the rigid social ladder can only be accomplished by outperforming those around you. Thus, within the State, ambitions can be fulfilled only through physical and mental perfection, not through connections or wealth alone.

The Caldari State offers its citizens both the best and the worst in living conditions. As long as you keep in line, do your job, uphold the laws and so forth, life can be fairly pleasant and productive. For those not cut out for this strict, disciplined regime, however, life quickly becomes intolerable. They lose their respect, family and status, and the only options left to them are suicide or exile



Deteis symbolize Caldari in every way; they're efficient, hard-working and dutiful. Deteis can commonly be found in positions of authority, both within administration and military spheres, things that suit their temperament very well. Their firm belief that the good of the whole must come before the needs of the individual has greatly influenced the shaping of the Caldari State since its foundation. From an individual's standpoint this may sound cold and inhumane, but the Deteis put great stock in the welfare of the family and the community as a whole. The Deteis bloodline is cold, hard and calculating, generally with piercing eyes and a rather inexpressive face. Think Ralph Fiennes or Jodie Foster.


Civire represent the Caldari State’s backbone. Their diligent and unselfish efforts have built it from the ground up. The Civire are cool, level-headed and relentless in their approach to either trading or fighting. They believe actions speak louder than words, and are never happier than when embroiled in the midst of frenetic activity. They can handle pressure extremely well, which is an invaluable aid in combat and other stressful situations. Many of the best bounty hunters around are Civire.

The Civire bloodline is stocky, hard-faced and big-boned. Think Arnold Schwarzenegger or Brigitte Nielsen.


Achura has been part of the Caldari State for a couple of centuries; they joined and left the Federation at the same time as the State. Through this time, the Achur have always remained something of a mystery. Hailing from the inhospitable Saisio system in The Forge, the Achur are as reclusive and introvert as a people can be while still maintaining participation in galactic affairs. Intensely spiritual, the average Achur has little interest in the material world. Achur pilots have been few and far between in the past, but a recent massive industrial accident on their home world, an accident which left large swathes of the planet dangerously polluted and inhospitable to life, has prompted them to take to the skies in greater numbers.

The Achura Bloodline has Asiatic features, resembling the Japanese to a large degree. Think James Wong or Nae Yuuki.

Notable Individuals Otro Gariushi
Sansha Kuvakei

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