Hard Rock Mining Co. (Player corporation)

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Revision as of 06:19, 4 October 2011 by Narthex T'Gollero (Talk)

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Make new friends and build an interstellar empire. Yea. That's EVE.

We are active in the EU/US TZ. We do both PvP and Industrial We're run like a cross between family, factory and foriegn legion, in our 0.0 home. Under the same management for two years. Playing for the long term.

OK. I've got a big dog in this fight. I've been with HARM for almost two years. Since the beginning. I've got a nose for this kind of thing and it had the wiff of something going somewhere. We've worked long and hard on our leadership group, our members, and now--wow--an alliance to play with!



We're the founding corp of the Territorial Claim Unit Alliance. Currently in Omist having the time of our lives.




• Must be able to fly a covetor or battlecruiser. 10 Million SP • Active and dedicated! • TEAMSPEAK 3 & MICROPHONE REQUIRED • INCLUDE FULL API WITH YOUR APPLICATION (User ID number and API number)

We offer

- Logistics solutions - Orca and Rorqal support. A whole economy to build in nullsec. - PvP: black ops, gangs, roams, fleets, caps, super caps. - 0.0 home with stations and POS - The best Secret Evil Plan (TM) to rule everything in all New Eden.

or join our public channels

HARM Recruitment

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