From Backstage Lore Wiki
- Bait Ship
- (slang) Any ship used lure other players into shooting it. These ships are often fit in a non-standard way.
- BB
- 1. (initial) A Blackbird cruiser.
- 2. (initial) A Battleship class ship.
- BC
- (initial) A Battlecruiser class ship.
- (initial) Ballistic Control System and variations.
- (initial) Ballistic Control Unit. Ballistic Control System and variations.
- Beams
- (abbr.) Beam Laser Turrets.
- Belt
- A planetary asteroid belt with asteroids which can be mined.
- BH
- (initial) Bug Hunter. A member of ECAID.
- Bist
- (abbr.) Bistot.
- Blasters
- (abbr.) Blasters Hybrid Turrets.
- Blob
- (slang) A fleet designed to compete utilizing shear numerical superiority. Often used negatively.
- Blinky
- (slang) A blinking overview entry of a pilot who has committed a recent act of aggression or is an outlaw in high security space.
- Blood jump
- (slang) The act of purposefully jumping to the location of a medical clone by deliberately being podded.
- Blood Raider
- A member of The Blood Raider Covenant.
- Blue
- 1. The default overview color of a character with high or excellent standings.
- 2. A character with high or excellent standings.
- 3. The act of setting a pilot/corp/alliance standing to high or excellent.
- Blueprint
- An item that facilitates the manufacturing of an item as well as lists the required materials and skills necessary to complete the activity.
- BM
- (initial) Bookmark.
- Booster
- 1. (abbr.) A Shield Booster.
- 2. (abbr.) A Combat Booster.
- Booster Material
- An intermediate material created from gas clouds utilized to manufacture combat boosters.
- Boost Amp
- (abbr.) A Shield Boost Amplifier and variations.
- BP
- (initial) Blueprint.
- (initial) Blueprint copy.
- (initial) Blueprint original.
- BS
- (initial) A Battleship class ship.
- Bubble
- 1. (slang) A warp disruption field generated by a Mobile Warp Disruptor Sphere, Warp Disrupt Probe, Warp Disruption Field Generator.
- 2. (slang) A Warp Disruption Field Generator.
- 3. (slang) An Interdiction Sphere Launcher I.
- 4. (slang) A Warp Disrupt Probe.
- Bubbled
- (slang) A gate, station, or other high traffic area that has a warp disruption field deployed nearby.
- Buffer Tank
- (slang) A ship fitted with a large amount of effective hit-points and no other local tank.
- Button
- (slang) A capture point of a factional warfare complex.
- (initial) Bring Your Own Blueprint.
- (initial) Bring Your Own Minerals.