Mysterious Shuttle
An outwardly Caldari shuttle that keeps a tight orbit around a beacon located near the Geztic star. Geztic is an A0 class small blue star - the same class of star involved in each main-sequence anomaly during the Seyllin incident. It was first observed toward the end of YC112 and remained unresponsive to all external attacks or stimuli. When the Awakened Infomorph appeared in a Caldari shuttle on YC113.07.23, it prompted speculation and re-testing of this shuttle by Arek'Jaalan personnel. This time, when successfully sensor jammed by any type of ECM, it would respond. In early tests, this response caused the shuttle to change course to a consistently similar heading until sensors re-calibrated, at which point it would return course to orbit its beacon tightly. If urged too far, the shuttle disengages its heading and warps back to the beacon. This has been observed to occur anywhere between 90km and 180km.
More recent Arek'Jaalan tests with ECM have provoked the shuttle to change course directly toward the ship that jammed its sensors. It remains on this course for the duration of the sensor jam. When re-calibrated, it can be redirected by re-positioning the ECM vessel and successfully jamming again, and thus can be clumsily "pull steered". On some occasions when the ECM vessel is between the shuttle and the Geztic star, it can be "pushed" instead - This time along a line directly away from the jamming ship. As in previous tests, the shuttle will disengage and warp back to its beacon if "pushed" or "pulled" too far.
In all tests. the shuttle remains unresponsive to all other intervention by modules and weapons.
See also: Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W3: The Mysterious Shuttle