Arek'Jaalan Mailing List W3: (Re)Awakened Informorph

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From Wyke Mossari
Subject (Re)Awakened Informorph
Date 113.07.23 07:27
Content Several Intelligence report have been made concerning the appearance of a (Re)Awakened Infomorph.  These reports indicate this individual has been meet with a violent response from some of our peers.

At this stage the veracity of these reports is unclear and question of "Is this a genuine 'Sleeper' Infomorph or an elaborate capsuleer created 'Hoax' is still outstanding.

Despite my personal scepticism;  I think it is necessary to assume at this stage that this is a 'First Diplomatic Contact' and act accordingly. I therefore have two proposals.

1) We position 'Sentry Pickets' in systems suggested by the intelligence, FNA Graduation stations.
1.1) The primary purpose of these Pickets should be to discourage or prevent unprovoked violence against the envoy.
1.2) Pickets are rotated regularly to avoid boredom or distraction.
1.3) Ideally these Pickets are deployed in vessels capable of both Logistic support and offensive action.

2) We quickly established a diplomatic 'Position Statement' to convey to the 'emissary'.
2.1) That the AJ bears them no ill-will, however Capsuleers are a disparate group.
2.2) What was their involvement in and purpose of the Seyllin Incident ?  Was this an act of War?
2.3) Do they recognise the term 'Sleeper', is that a valid description of themselves.
2.4) What are their Intentions?

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