Sansha Hideaway

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Revision as of 16:41, 31 May 2011 by ISD Detroit (Talk)

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Complex Details
Sansha Hideaway
Signature Strength  ???
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating N/A
Security Highsec
Known Regions Tash-Murkon, Devoid
Pirate type Sansha's Nation

The Sansha Hideaway and its variations are widely considered the second lowest difficulty Cosmic anomaly associated with Sansha's Nation. It is commonly found in high security space in regions infested by members of the nation. The anomaly consists of one region of space with multiple spawns triggered by the destruction of the previous spawn.

Initial Spawn
2 x Centii Minion (frigate)
Second Spawn
"More hostiles arrive at the site."
2 x Centii Scavenger (frigate)
Third Spawn
"Squadron Commander: Recon squad returning to base as per orders."
2 x Centii Minion (frigate)
Fourth Spawn
"Another group of ships answers the site's distress call."
1 x Centi Plague (frigate)
1 x Sansha Wall --OR -- 1 x Sansha Bunker --OR-- 1 x Sansha Lookout --OR-- 1 x Forward Observation Post


No reports of this site having an escalation.

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