GWC Standings

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NAP Aranged (+5)

Those listed here are allowed access to the Great Wildlands region intelligence and Fleet Xup channels only.

In Alphabetical order

Hostiles (-5)

These have been noted as hostile to the NRDS system and therefore valid targets

0rizen nation 0utbreak 4 INCHES OF PAIN 420 Joint Task Force


A Dragon Army A.N.A.R.C.H.I.C.A AAA Citizens Absinthe Brothers Ad Venture Efficence Trading Agency
Advanced Planetary Exports Aeden Against ALL Authorities Aggravated Assault.. Aggressive Dissonance
Agony Empire Allied Deep Space Exploration Alpha-Squadron AN EYE FOR AN EYE Anarchy Unlimited
Antaeus Combine ANZAC ALLIANCE Apoapsis Mutilversal Consortium APOCALYPSE LEGION Apotheosis of Vritue
Area 51 Assassins Ares Industries Ltd. Art of War Alliance Ashen Lion Mining ASTARTES CORP
Astrum Contract Services Group Atlas Alliance Atrocitas Attero Industries Auner Development Corp
Autocannons Anonymous Avalon Alliance Axiom Empire


BAM XAXA Band of Cateteris Battletech Technology Beach Boys Best Path Inc.
Best Served Cold. BigPoppMonkeys Black Legion. Black Sinisters Black Star Alliance
Blade. Blend. Blind Aces Blitz Gamers Blood Alliance
Blood Eagle Federation Bloodhound Born in Jungle BRABODEN Breed of Malakka
BricK sQuAD. Bright Side of Death Broken Chains Alliance Brotherhood of Starbridge Brutal Deliverance
Bullet Diplomacy Burning Roids BUSA Investment Firm Business Trade Association


Cadre Assault Force Caipiranha Allianz Carebear Dropouts Cascade Imminent Celtic Anarchy
Chain of Chaos Chain of Chaos Chaos Hegemony Chaos Monkeys Circe-of-Two
Circle-of-Two Clan Asano Clown Punchers Syndicate Cluster of Rebirth COBRA INC
Community of the War Academy Consortium. Controlled Chaos CONVICTED Cool Ninjas of Awesome Ownage
Corcoran State Corpse Collection Point CORPVS DELICTI COVEN Cow Farm
Creative Destruction Crepitus Crunch Crimson Logistical Crusaders of Space Cry Havoc.
CTRL-Q Cursed Alliance Czarna Kompania


Daisho Syndicate Dangerous By Design Dark Hand Syndicate Dark Pride Alliance Dark-Rising
DARK-SIDE DarkSide. Dead Terrorists Death Anarchy death from above..
Death Incarnate Inc Death or Glory DeLait Delusion of Grandeur DEMON HUNTERS
Dharma Industries DHD Corp. Did I just do that Die Bierbrauer Dirt Nap Squad.
DOGS OF WAR Dominus Imperium Downfall Inc. Dropbear Drive-By Dysfunctional Gunbunnies
Dystopia Alliance


E C L I P S E E.X.I.L.E.S Eclectic Collective EDGE Alliance Elicit Operatons Inc
En Garde EPMAK. Eternus Imperium Alliance Euphoria Released Ev0ke
EVE-UNION Exalted. Executive Outcomes Exhale. Extreme Prejudice.


Faction Fighters INC Fatal Ascension F-A-T-E Federal Investigations Agency Feral Scourge
Fighters and Factory Rebellion Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies Fire Mandrill Flame Bridge Flying Dangerous
Focused Intentions Forbidden Domain Forever In Farm Future Corps Future Tech Industries
Fuzzy Nut Attack Squirrels


Gallus Eternus Game On General Tso's Alliance Ghosts of Ragnarok Goonswarm Federation
Green Rhino Grunts. GS Tech Guards of Heavens Door Gunship Diplomacy


H E L I C O N Helios Gryps Hellbenders Hellgte Dark Industries Alliance Hello Kitty Space Marines
Hennessy. High Quality Clearance High Treason Alliance Honey Badgers Inc Hoplite Brigade
Horizon's Edge Hotel Moscow Hounds of War House Arrakis Hugs N Cuddles
Huzzah Federation Hyasyoda Fun Club HYDRA OVERLOADED Hydro Chronic


I M M O R T A L Ice Cold Ellites Ice Fire Warriors Ihatalo Cartel Navy Immortalis Militis Invictus
Imperial Directorate Imperial Republic of the North In Tear We Trust INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Infinite Conflux
Iniatiative Mercenaries Initiative Associates Initiative Mercenaries INQUISITION. Insurgency.
International House of PWNCakes Internerd Errorspace Interplanetary Federation Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate Interstellar H00kers
Intrepid Crossing Inver Brass Inver Brass Involuntary Confinement IT Alliance


Jazz Man Corp Jell-0 Jovian Enterprises Just 4 Fun


KA POW POW INC Kari Kari Industrial Design Inc. Kenssy Fried Chicken Kru Killed In Action
Kin-Ja-Ja KitKat is Back Kleinrock Heavy Industries Klingon Killer Kommando Knights of the Rising Phoenix Alliance


L337 KR3W Las Ratas Del Acero Inoxidable Laughing Leprechauns Corporation ecume QunatiQue Legacy State
Legion lf Alts Legion of Alts Legion of Honor Legion of xXDeathXx Legionari
LEM Alliance Let Us Sleep LOCKDOWN Loki's Marauders Loot and Sonstiges
Lost Star Technologies LUCKY LEAGUE Luminance Alliance


M.I.F. Mad Bombers Majesta Empire Majestic Bastards Malum Intentio
Manson Family Mantic Mining Inc Marquie-X Mass - Effect Matari Exodus
Mean Coalition MEK Enterprises Mercenaries.of.Andosia Merciless. MILITARY INDUSTRIES
Military Security Agency Mindstar Technlogy Minqua Tribe Misfits Enterprises Moon Tribe
Moons Support Group Mors certa. Morsus Mihi Mortal Destruction Mortis Angelus
-Mostly Harmless- Mother Punchers Inc. Mountain Sprouts Mugen Industry Muppets Alliance


Napalm Sticks To Kids Nationale Nederlanden Naughty 40 Necrophiliacs Nefantar Tribe
Nex Exercitus Nexus point NibbleTek Noir. Noir. Mercenary Group
Nomads Noob Fleet Northern Coalition Novus Aevum NQX Innovations
Nulli Secunda Numquam Ambulare Solus NUNQUAM RETRO


OEG Olimpox OMNYX On The Cloth One.
Order of the Lost Souls Overloaded Alliance OWN Alliance


Paisti Syndicate Pandemic Legion Parallax. Paws on INC. PAX AMARRIA INDUSTRIES
Phobos Alliance PHOENIX 2ND C.A.G. Pink Bunnies Pod Miners Polish Mercenaries S.A.
Powder and Ball Alchemists Union PREY INC. Primary Industries Priory of Sion. Privateer Alliance
Project Kraken-66 Punishing Squad Purgatorial Janitors Inc. purple hot dogs


Quantum Forge Quantum Link Company Quantum Reaction. Quarantine Zone Quasar Development


R.A.G.E R.I.S.K Rabble Rabble Rabble Random-Violence Raptors Allegiance
RAZOR Alliance REACT. Rebel Alliance of New Eden Rebellion Alliance Reckess Chavs
Red Alliance Red Army Alliance Red Guerrillas Red Mists of Avalon RED.OverLord
Republic Expeditionary Force Retribution. Revelation of the Fallen Revilval of the Talocan Empire Right Hand of Armagedon Inc
R-I-P Ritual Suicide Rodents of Unsual Size Rogue Elements. Rohypnol Fanclub
Ronin Alliance Rote Kapelle Royal Hazard Royal Order of Security Specialists Ryn Incorporated


Sanctus Ianitores Mundi Sandbox Bullies Sc0rched Earth Scalding Chill sengaku-ji followers
Serenity Rising. Session Changes Shadow of xXDEATHXx Shadows of Light Sharks With Frickin' Laser Beams
Skwerlien Abduction Smacked Alliance Smutjes Revenge Snuff Box Sock Robbers Inc.
SOLAR FLEET Solar Revenue Services SOLAR WING Soldiers of Thunderstorm Soul Eaters
Species 69 Spicy Soul Daimons Split Infinity. SRE Brotherhood Stain Empire
Starbridge Stella Polaris. Str8nge Brew Sturmgrenadier Syndicate SUB ZERO Alliance
SubPrime Strategic Initiatives Suicidal Trainingscamp Suomi Finland Perkele Surge. SuX ltd.
SWARM LOGIC Syndicate of Independant Antions Syndicate. Synthetic Frontiers


T o r m e n t u m Tactical Narcotics Team Talon Minin Inc. Tau Ceti Federation Temple of The Black Light
Tenth Legion Terran Commonwealth Test Alliance Please Ignore Tharri and Co. The 0rphanage
The Accursed The Ambivalent The Burning Skull The Circus The Cool Kids Club
The Corporation of Noble Sentiments The Dark Horses. The Dirty Rotten Scoundrels The Executioners The Firm.
The Forsaken Few The G0dfathers The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre The GreyWolf Paradigm The Hatchery
The Hull Miners Union The Humbless Crew The Initiative. The Jagged Alliance The Jerk Cartel
The Kadeshi The Leather Knights The Men Who Stare Wrongly at GOATS The Mercronian Constructive Assembly The MuPPeT FaCTOrY
The Nightshift The Obsidian Front THE PAROXYSM The Perfect Storm The Polaris Syndicate
The Reclaimers THE RONIN The Ronin Syndicate The Starwinders The Tuskers
The Unseen Company The Volition Cult The Wormhole Mafia The Wrong Alliance Thor Alliance
Top Station Tower of Dark Alliance Trannyz Transmission Lost Trauma Ward
Tribe Angels Tribes of Anarchy Triolan True Power Team True Productions
Trux Germani Two Inch Terror Tyrell Corp


U-208 Ultima Rati0 Undivided Unholy Sisterhood Of The Dirty Ponys United Front Alliance
United Interstellar Federation United Pod Service Unknown Entity Unknown Soldiers Unknown-Entity


V i L e V.Q.F. Vae Victis . Vae. Victus. Veneratio Venator Alliance
Vengeance of the Fallen Veridian Massive Dynamics Veritas Immortalis Veto Corp Violent Intent
Viperfleet Vivisection. VooDoo Technologies Voodoo Technologies


War Whores War.Pigs. Waterboard WE FORM VOLTRON White Angels.
White Noise. Wildly Inappropriate. Without Remorse. Without Remose. Wormholes Holders




Yakuza Alliance Yebo Gogo Yellow Space


z3r0 Gravity Zawa's Fna Club Zenith Affinity Zerg Collective Alliance

Enemies of the Coalition (-10)

These have actively engaged in hostilities against coalition members or declared war on ANY of its members.

Thukker Tribe Mercenaries
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