Serpentis Paramilitary Complex

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The Serpentis Paramilitary Complex is the Class 7 DED Site for the Serpentis Pirates. It was found in Null Sec in the Outer Ring area.

First Room:

The first room has a good number of Destroyers, Battlecruisers and Battleships which all aggro you on the way in. There are no structures or overseers and there is a gate 22km out.

Second Room:

The second room has even more Destroyers, Battlecruisers and Battleships. There are a few structures around but there is little more to report other than everything aggros you once you enter the room.

Third Room:

This room has less ships than the second one. You will get a message about a Shadow Serpentis Big Boss *Insert Metal Gear Solid Joke here*. There is an Overseer named the Shadow Serpentis Chief Patroller in this room.

Upon checking again, it turns out that it was not an Overseer but a regular Shadow Serpentis that would you find in belts.

Fourth Room:

The fun never ends at Serpentis Paramilitary Prime as you encounter more Destroyers, Battlecruisers and battleships including a Shadow Serpentis Grand Admiral (!). The good news is that there are less Battleships in this room but there is a large influx of Battlecruisers so beware.

Fifth Room:

By now, your teeth have fallen out and you have probably been ganked...if not, congratulations! This is the final room! There are tons of rats milling about and to top it all off, a single Stasis Tower out at 60km from the warp in point. This is the final room as the Big Boss awaits and can drop Class-C Core Modules.

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