Serpentis Paramilitary Complex

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Revision as of 20:37, 22 April 2011 by Wedding Peach (Talk)

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The Serpentis Paramilitary Complex is the Class 7 DED Site for the Serpentis Pirates.

First Room:

The first room has a good number of Destroyers, Battlecruisers and Battleships which all aggro you on the way in. There are no structures or overseers and there is a gate 22km out.

Second Room:

The second room has even more Destroyers, Battlecruisers and Battleships. There are a few structures around but there is little more to report other than everything aggros you once you enter the room.

Third Room:

This room has less ships than the second one. You will get a message about a Shadow Serpentis Big Boss *Insert Metal Gear Solid Joke here*. There is an Overseer named the Shadow Serpentis Chief Patroller in this room.

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