Background to to the New Gallente-Caldari Conflict, YC113

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This historical briefing is designed to bring you up to speed with the background information and intelligence regarding current hostilities and the official state of war with the Caldari State.

Please note: Capsuleers, across this article, I have placed thoughts and analysis (both personal and official) regarding specific issues, particularly dubious ones, in the form of these addendums. Use discretion when sharing this information with others, not only for the matters of public relations sensitivity, but general threats to national security and ongoing Federal operations Assistant Deputy Director Abrille Juviant (Capsuleer Affairs), Federal Intelligence Office

Rise of Tibus Heth

On May 2nd 110, a low-level MTAC worker known as Tibus Heth acquired majority shares of Caldari Constructions after leading a worker riot in Piak. Using the fervour built up from revolts across the Caldari State, Heth acquired nationwide broadcast feeds to address the State, accusing megacorporate leadership and Federation influences as the primary causes of Caldari woes. His speech was most notable with its highly nationalistic overtones, calling the Gallenteans "the bane of [Caldari] existence".

A week later, numerous groups of Gallentean vandals on the Federation planet and ancestral homeworld of Caldari Prime in Luminaire engaged in hate crimes and violences against State expatriates. In addition, several ancestral sites dating back to the rise of Caldari civilization were desecrated, as well as memorials dedicated to the deaths of Caldari to Federation bombardment during the outbreak of the first Gallente-Caldari War almost two centuries ago. Though Federation municipal police attempted to contain and prevent violence, it did not prevent further ethnic rioting, with deaths being reported, eventually reaching into the hundreds after Federation police began to use deadly force. As local politicians on Caldari Prime called for calm, the ethnic violence began to spread into the State itself, where millions of Gallente expatriates, who operate unpopular yet thriving businesses in the nation, became victims of assault, property damage and hate crimes. The clashes were limited to holdings controlled by the three Patriot bloc megacorporations, Kaalakiota, Wiyrkomi and Lai Dai, as well as Sukuuvestaa, leading megacorporation in the notoriously ruthless and unethical Practical bloc. Fueled by Heth's anti-Gallente sentiments, the ethnic clashes were allowed to rage, with no intervention from the megacorporate security forces.

While thousands of Caldari citizens flocked to a vigil at the Landfall Shrine on New Caldari Prime in the Forge, anti-violence demonstrations broke out across the Federation, attended impromptu by Gallente, Caldari and Intaki alike, using the refrain "Love not hate!" and showing little bias to blaming any side. In response, the hugely popular CEO of the Ishukone Corporation, Otro Gariushi, secured Statewide broadcasting rights, denouncing Tibus Heth's nationalistic sentiments and pleading for calm. His influence had a considerable effect, where tensions, at least in Caldari Prime, began to abate, and several Khanid corporations throwing their support behind Gariushi, as well as from Minmatar community leaders regarding Republic expatriates and migrants living in both the State and the multi-ethnic Federation, which saw Minmatar immigrants becoming involved with both sides in the rioting for a variety of complex reasons.

[quote]Be advised that the ability for Tibus Heth to rise from low-level worker to corporate CEO remains suspicious, especially considering his apparently limitless financial backing. In addition, the sudden outbreak of ethnic violence on Caldari Prime by a very specific group of young male Gallenteans is suspect, although exact details regarding both matters are classified.


On May 14th, Federation President Souro Foiritan and Ishukone CEO Otro Gariushi announced a joint Economic Summit to take place in Malkalen, as an effort from both sides to ease escalating tensions. In a surprising and abrupt turnaround in ideology, Caldari Constructions CEO Tibus Heth responded positively to the announcement, and welcomed the economic initiative. The Federal delegation was to be led by Economic Minister Wadis Chene (responsible for the economic boom within the Federation during the Foiritan presidency) and Admiral Alexander Noir, last living veteran of the first Gallente-Caldari War and long-time advocate of improving relations between the two rival nations. He is respected immensely by the Caldari Navy, who allowed him to lead the delegation piloting a Nyx-class supercarrier at the head of a small Federation Navy escort.


It was the next day where the crisis took a turn for the worst. While the economic summit took place at the Ishukone Corporation Headquarters after the Federal delegation arrived in Malkalen, Admiral Alexander Noir set his supercarrier on a collision course with the station after a general evacuation order was issued. Local broadcast audio confirmed the deliberate act, where Admiral Noir decried the Caldari, stating his actions were enacting vengeance for the Gallenteans lost in the atrocities of Hueromont and Nouvelle Rouvenor that took place in the early days of the first Gallente-Caldari War. The death toll was estimated in the hundreds of thousands.

As the State attempted to collect themselves from the sudden calamity, the Ishukone Corporation called for aid by establishing a disaster relief program, which was met by both the Sisters of EVE and independent capsuleers. On the 16th, a statement by the Ishukone Corporation confirmed that CEO Otro Gariushi had been killed, along with all his clones, and the entire Federal delegation. In response, fellow megacorporation in the State Liberal bloc, Hyasyoda, announced a crash program of emergency aid to Ishukone, and noted their support for any retaliation against Gallentean treachery.

It was not until May 19th 110 that President Foiritan affirmed Ishukone's account of the events, and denied any complicity in the attack. Attributing the delay in an official response to an ongoing investigation into Noir's actions, the President offered "the full resources of his nation" to assisting those in aid. The streets of Caldari Prime remained eerily quiet despite the disaster, as it did during the initial call for calm by the now late Gariushi. There were no additional reports of violence against Gallentean expatriates in the Caldari State.

Please note: Note that Admiral Alexander Noir was a capsuleer, and that his clone did not activate following the destruction of both his vessel, the FNS Wandering Saint, and the Ishukone Corporation Headquarters. This has mostly been covered up from media purveyance in both the Federation and State; placed alongside the fact that Noir had been advocating peaceful relations for decades before this sudden change of heart, the cause of the Malkalen Disaster is dubious at best -Juviant

On May 22nd, Tibus Heth, at the helm of his new Caldari Providence Directorate (members of whom are known as Provists), announced his takeover of Kaalakiota, the State's largest megacorporation and leader of the Patriot bloc, after CEO Haatakan Oiritsuu voluntarily stepped down from her post and ceded control. In the same announcement, taken against the backdrop of the ruined Ishukone Corporation HQ, he declared a nationwide quarantine of Gallentean expatriates, to be "held for questioning until their innocence is proven". Support for Tibus Heth grows exponentially by this point, especially in the wake of the Malkalen Disaster.

A week later, all other State megacorporations excluding Ishukone, announced a partnership with Kaalakiota and the CPD, giving Heth access to the majority of the nation's industrial base. The belief that Heth has the best interest of the State at heart, and the necessity to align the Caldari against the Federation, was the primary reason behind this deal. With no leadership, the Ishukone Corporation board of directors followed suit by ceding strategic control to Tibus Heth a day later, with the market responding positively. This leaves Tibus Heth as Executor of the Caldari State, assuming either direct or indirect control of all the Big Eight megacorporations. As head of the Caldari Providence Directorate, his complete power is now consolidated, and unmatched.

Into the new month, ethnic violence on Caldari Prime resumed as hundreds of thousands of Gallentean expatriates were unlawfully incarcerated or expelled. Millions of expatriates were unaccounted for as the Provists, who are notoriously thuggish, "encouraged" outgoing Gallenteans from the State to leave "donations" at the border, leaving them with nothing. The Caldari Navy often accompanied such actions, with reports circulating about drastic increases in production outposts across all industries within the State following Malkalen.

On the 3rd, Tibus Heth declared a national draft of all men and women of eligible age to military service, citing the Gallentean threat and the atrocity of Malkalen as a necessity for all State citizens to defend themselves. Soon after, stating that all other options have failed, President Foiritan declared martial law on Caldari Prime. Holding Tibus Heth's anti-Gallente sentiment and mobilization to war responsible, Foiritan implored all citizens of Caldari Prime to cease their "bigoted" actions.

Tibus Heth is now Executor of the Caldari State, having assumed direct or indirect control of all the Big Eight megacorporations. As head of the Caldari Providence Directorate, his complete power is now consolidated, and unmatched.

Outbreak of War


On the 10th June, the same day the CONCORD Headquarters was destroyed by an unknown task force of both Republic Fleet and Thukker warships, the Caldari State used the disabling of CONCORD/DED counterthreat capability to launch a full-scale invasion of Federation space, at the same time multiple Minmatar armadas appeared all across Amarr Empire space. The Caldari Navy breached through defences into Algogille, utilizing both the Kassigainen stargate and at least two jump portals as thousands of warships poured through. As mass panic spreads throughout the Federation, the Caldari Navy task force proceeded in its entirerity into Luminaire, [1] ocking down the system]. Though hundreds of Federation Navy warships amassed in Algogille and Pettinck, State forces saturated entry stargates into Luminaire with countless anti-ship mines, making it impossible to proceed through.

In Villore, the Federation Senate convened in an emergency session to unanimously declare war against the Caldari State, the fastest in Federation history, and ceding emergency executive powers to President Foiritan. State forces, composed of the Navy and all eight megacorporate paramilitaries, begin to surround Caldari Prime and deploy hundreds of thousands of dropships to the surface, after orbital bombardment of planetary defences and neutralizing all Federation Navy and Customs forces in Luminaire. With reportedly the entire military forces of the State committed to the invasion, Jita becomes a warzone and thousands of State citizens of Gallentean origin met their deaths at the hands of partisan violence.

While Caldari mechanized infantry launch attacks on Caldari Prime's two largest cities, Tovil and Arcurio, the Federation Navy abandons its attempts to break the Luminaire blockade and redeploys all spaceborne military assets to launch a counterstrike within State borders. The attack never reaches fruition, however, as the President orders all Federation Navy units to stand down, as Tibus Heth personally conquers Caldari Prime, the Federation ceding all control in an emergency ceasefire. Heth allegedly threatened the bombardment of Gallentean districts on the besieged world if the President disagreed to his terms.

As Caldari citizens celebrated the return of their homeland (with increased fervour over the countless Gallentean casaulties), the dust began to settle, with the bulk of the Caldari Navy forces withdrawing, whom which the Federation Navy does not engage. Leaving a Caldari Navy Leviathan-class titan and its escort fleet in orbit, the State begins to assert full military control of the planet, the majority of Federation Army and Marine forces laying down arms and accepting capture. Though the exact number of casualties were never released, reports estimate from tens of thousands to as high as millions.

CONCORD, after suffering the destruction of their headquarters in Yulai, reasserted control and demanded that all military forces cease hostile actions at once. At the same time, they authorize the Emergency Militia War Powers Act, creating four capsuleer militias for the "purpose of waging uncontested war within the boundaries of empire space". In short, a proxy conflict that disallows the empire navies from directly engaging each other, and thus protecting the DED from having to outright involve themselves in preventing any open hostilities.

Two days after the defeat at Luminaire and the loss of Caldari Prime, President Foiritan addressed the nation after widespread criticism from the opposition regarding his response to the invasion. Condemning the actions of the Caldari and their "barbaric" leader Tibus Heth, the President promised that justice will be served, and blamed the failure of Federation defences squarely on Grand Admiral Anvent Eturrer, who had betrayed the Navy and fled the country during the fighting.

Please note: Though the great public relations machine of the Federal government blamed the invasion purely on one, easily-villainized scapegoat, this simplifies the issue immensely. While it is true the immediate cause of the ease of Caldari invasion was the failure of early warning systems, particularly the Border Zone Defence Matrix, or Tripwire, we did not believe Eturrer was solely responsible for the sabotage, and that actual Caldari involvement was minimal, if it was even present to begin with.

This did not prevent Eturrer becoming labelled as the "Great Traitor" within the Federation, and as a great hero in the State, however. Nonetheless, the overall reliance on automated systems due to Navy undermanning was another large cause of the invasion, along with a general lack of investment in the military. These problems within the armed forces have larged abated since the outbreak of war, thanks to increased recruitment, industrial retrofitting, and the elimination of corruption within both the government and military.

Attention should also be drawn to the vast scale and size of the Minmatar-Thukker fleet that invaded Yulai and various locations across the Amarr Empire and Ammatar Mandate on 110.06.10. Even to this day, our Republic allies are simply not capable of mobilizing such a massive battle group in such a short space of time, and are especially not capable of doing so at multiple locations. It is believed that this "Elder Fleet", as it is called, was built with Federal aid originally destined for the reconstruction and establishment of the Minmatar Republic. How these funds did not reach their intended destination remains contentious, and outright scandalous. This overall issue is tightly controlled from the mainstream spotlight by the Republic Security Services, but can easily be discovered if one digs around the appropiate avenues in GalNet.

Should the Elder Fleet have never been constructed with Federal tax money, then Tibus Heth's invasion of Luminaire would have been impossible, due to CONCORD's counterthreat ability still being online. It is a great irony that our nation's most historic defeat can be traced right back home to our own paychecks.


Federal Reorganization and Mobilization

The shockwaves felt across the Federation following the invasion were unprecedented. The historic defeat, the hopeless defence, the lack of direct counterattack and the deaths of countless citizens was felt across all aspects of society, and though the entire population recognized the need to fully reclaim Luminaire, though there was no agreement as to how this should happen. The more nationalistic felt it necessary for a full-on retaliation, and the more peaceful elements believed that restraint was required. Nonetheless, with the creation of the Federal Defence Union, the capsuleers loyal to the country went to war.

The Federation militia established early dominance in what is known as the Empyrean War by delivering crushing blows to their capsuleer enemies, the State Protectorate, in direct engagements, as well as beginning to assert military occupation of large swathes of Black Rise, the new Fourth District of the Caldari State that was secretly colonized with methods unknown in the run-up to war. Meanwhile, sporadic battles still take place between the State occupation and holdout Federation forces on Caldari Prime, ten days after the lightning invasion. This showed no sign of abating, and casualties continued to mount two months into occupation.

Though the FDU was making sweeping gains on the road to total conquest, attacks by State capsuleers against Federation Navy garrisons in Essence began to increase in effectiveness. The Navy stated the necessity for discretion amongst civilian familes of servicemen and women in discussing potential ship and personnel movements, citing Caldari intelligence gathering as a direct threat.

Please note: You might not think it, but this apparently minor detail later becomes important, if you can make the connection. -Juviant

Meanwhile, the tense military situation in Luminaire remained under the watchful eyes of the Federal Intelligence Office, who discovered a secret Caldari prison in the form a repurposed underwater city, Paix Azur. In the halls of politics, the "Citizen's Emergency Summit" was attended by various political officials, lobbyists and cultural icons in September 110. During the sessions, pressure was put on the President to establish an "Emergency Integrity Commission", designed to root out corruption in both the political and military leaderships. Total support for the Summit was not unanimous, however, as a notable ex-Navy pilot gathered support from the Jin-Mei and Mannar communities by blasting the summit as internal bickering, and calling for popular support for the nation's armed forces.

Nonetheless, the President heeded this call by the citizenry. Federal Freight, who have been fulfilling various high-profile logistical contracts to the Federation Navy, fell victim to a mysterious break-in at their Leremblompes headquarters in that same month of September. Thought to be the work of Caldari agent provocateurs, eyebrows were raised after President Foiritan announced the creation of a new FIO division just two days later, known as the 'Special Department of Internal Investigations and Federal Security', or the Black Eagles as they become known, certainly a reference to the leader of the institution, then-Head Senator Mentas Blaque, long-time opponent of President Foiritan. The SDII soon took over the investigation into the Federal Freight break-ins in October, and later penalized for lax security in December that year.


In the beginning of November 110, a large battle fleet of Amarrian warships crossed the Federation border at Aridia into Solitude, heading directly for the system of Ratillose, where two Federation Navy bases are present. Though initially mistaken for Imperial Navy, they are soon identified as belonging to Amarrian Heir Uriam Kador. Heavy casualties are reported as fighting rages between local and invading forces. Not soon into the battle, the Federation Navy launches an "epic" counterattack, deploying a force that numbers over four times the size of the invading Kador fleet. Routing the invaders, the Federation Navy systematically crushes the invasion, made possible due to a large number of private and government investments bolstering existing military suppliers, and a substantial conversion of the civilian industrial base to military purposes.

Three weeks later, the Federation Navy crossed the Amarr border into Aridia and proceeded as far as Kador Prime, launching an assault against the central Kador Family station, and withdrawing completely not long thereafter. It was revealed by a public statement by President Foiritan on the 21st of November that the operation into the Amarr Empire was forced extraction of the Great Traitor Anvent Eturrer, former Grand Admiral of the Federation Navy.

Please note: The short story is simple enough; we believe that Uriam Kador attacked Ratillose as a preemptive strike regarding intelligence on the location of Anvent Eturrer. It failed, of course, and we were able to use the momentum to strike deep into the Empire and recover the bastard. -Juviant

Following the successful retaliation, the Federation Navy saw a surge in recruitment figures those following weeks into December, following widespread support for the Federal response to the Kador issue. Seen as solely responsible for the deaths of countless Federation citizens and the loss of an entire world, Eturrer was publically executed in January 111 by immolation before an audience of thousands on Gallente Prime. It was condemned by the Sisters of EVE and there were later, unsuccessful proposals in the Senate to ban future executions in public.

The Tables Turn

As the State Protectorate began to resecure various systems in Black Rise (allowing Kaalakiota to launch a survey program into the region in March 111), stories of Gallentean victories began to swell up as a Caldari offensive into Verge Vendor sent shipping rates soaring in the region. Later, as State militia forces began to consolidate further control, surveys warned of food shortages in February 111.

Despite the slow advance of the Caldari State into the contestable regions, the Federation Navy announced Operation Justice's Reach on the 24th March 111, and called for militia incursions into the Black Rise region to recover military equipment allegedly stolen by the Caldari in Caslemon in the previous month. However, the campaign was an ultimate failure; by this point, the FDU began to feel the strain against the weight of the State Protectorate as they continued to occupy Federation systems.

Towards the end of March 111, violence broke out on the Intaki homeworld after the Caldari occupied the system. Riding on State militia victories, Caldari colonists began to flock to Black Rise in April following resecuring the region, and the Protectorate taking the fight into Federation space instead. The situation deteriorated on Intaki, with confusion and shortages of high-tech goods, spared of the food shortages in the Verge.

By May 111, the State Protectorate and Caldari Navy were able to consolidate full control of the region of space known as the Federal Defence Cordon, which included a large chunk of Placid, as well as smaller areas in Essence and Verge Vendor. The strain on the occupied territories began to show, with Pend Insurance starting to issue earnings warnings, and a miscommunication in Uphallant leads to the destruction of a civilian convoy. The Caldari Navy, not designed for sustained offensives, was stretched thin by the occupation, and began outsourcing patrol duties in less important systems to the megacorporate paramilitary forces, which caused incidents like in Uphallant.

High on military victory over the defeat of the Federal Defence Union, Tibus Heth awarded all pilots of the State Protectorate with a national distinction, announcing that the "liberated" worlds will see the "benefits" of Caldari rule. The Senate attempted to engage in a review of the Federal Defence Union's administration, but it ultimately proved fruitless, with opponents citing that the very nature of the capsuleer militias is to be free of government influence.

Crisis occured in the Federation when a leaked memorandum issued from the Caldari Providence Directorate in July 111 detailed the auctioning of "exclusive exploration and development rights" of the occupied systems to the megacorporations of the State. As word of the memorandum spread, widespread riots and looting occured across the Intaki homeworld, while the Federal Stock Market saw a considerable drop.

In response, President Foiritan invoked an executive mandate that would nationalize the nation's entire arms industry, and place it under direct Federal control. The Senate was outraged, and stated that the invocation of the Hueromont Act (as it is called), is an impeachable offence. FIO agents were dispatched to the various headquarters of the Federation's largest weapons manufacturers, but met resistance from corporation forces, first by Roden Shipyards, and then later a coalition of multiple corporations.

Please note: Apparently, under orders of Director (and Head of the Senate, of course) Mentas Blaque, the SDII agents sent out to assert executive control actually complied with Jacus Roden, founder of Roden Shipyards, and his arms coalition, an outright defiance of the President himself. You would be wise to note that the scale of the response to the President, involving armed retaliations by private security forces, hostage situations and communication shutdowns, was so elaborate that one would think this whole incident had prior preparation.

Emphasis on "one would think".


Instead of facing impeachment by the Senate, President Foiritan resigned, revoked the Hueromont Act and called for new elections in November. The political crisis, followed up by Jacus Roden's announcement for Presidential candidacy did nothing to change the fact that a considerable chunk of the Federation was under State occupation. Most notably, there was a police standoff on Intaki Prime, that ultimately ended peacefully.

On the 21st August 111, the Caldari Providence Directorate announced the winners of the blind auction. The Sukuuvestaa Corporation made away with the largest amount of systems, a total of 14, followed by Kaalakiota at a total of 8. Ishukone, however, made out with only one territory, the Intaki home system, their only bid. It was never revealed where the ailing megacorporation received the finances required to make the purchase, however, instead of direct corporate annexation, Ishukone engaged in talks with the Intaki Assembly, along with Mordu's Legion, acquiring the Shipping & Security franchise that all Federal members are allowed control over. This came to be known as the "Ishukone Agreement".

These were dire times for the Federation through to November. Terraforming projects were put on hold, there were various clashes between Caldari Navy garrison forces and civilian vessels, strikes by anxious citizens, and outright annexations of local corporate facilities. As the race for the Presidency grinded into gear, a communications blackout was established in the occupied territories, making the details of life under occupation sketchy at best.

To add to the crisis, the Senate debated the issue of voting in the occupied territories in November 111. Ultimately, citing the high possibility of fraud, the communications blackout enforced by the State, and the dire fact that citizens may not even know who they are voting for, the Senate voted to deny votes to any system occupied by a foreign military power, including the major population center of Intaki.

During the occupation, the occupying megacorporations engaged in various disputes, particularly between Suukuvestaa and Lai Dai, the latter of whom suffered an electromagnetic attack during a Black Rise development conference in November, and the former falling victim to explosions at a production plant. While SuVee increased their defence spending and initially blamed "a highly organized group of Gallente terrorists seeking to deny the establishment of State rule in our new territories", both corporations faced sanctions by the Caldari Business Tribunal for "unlawful anti-competitive measures".

Moreover, the megacorporate security forces had shifted the majority of their operations to the occupied Gallentean territories and, as a result, the lack of their regular patrols meant that their original holdings became infested with pirates, most notably in the Okunda constellation, which saw a Guristas rampage destroy two Wiyrkomi freighters and cause billions in damage

Fires of Liberation

Please note: This is something for you EL-G pilots that you may wish to know. Your commanding officer, Seriphyn Inhonores, established the unit in September, not long after the State annexed the occupied territories. Commanding low level operations against the Caldari Navy in the Viriette constellation, there was not much success, other than preventing a takeover of Material Acquisition by Poksu Mineral Group in Uphallant.

However, over weeks of continued efforts against the occupation, the EL-G rallied several pilots within the FDU to the cause of attempting to liberate these systems, including leading capsuleer Val Erian. It took three months for their work to reach fruition, but it was glorious, if I do say so myself.

Try to not mention this addendum to him, or he won't shut up about it.


The tables turned once again a day after the successful election of Jacus Roden, who had pledged a return of both Caldari Prime and frontier settlements to Federation control, amongst other things. In the opening of December 111, Covryn was liberated, breaking total State control of the occupied territories. This was followed by Murethand the following day, and a widespread campaign by the Federal Defence Union to liberate the systems from State control. The counteroffensive was ferocious, seeing as many as six systems liberated in one day, and thirteen in one week, destroying the Caldari military occupation in Intaki on 24th February 112.

The Federation Navy rapidly mobilized to take control of the systems, but were denied entry into the Intaki system on the 4th of March. As FDU fervour increased against Caldari naval and militia forces, the Intaki Assembly requested a ceasefire against all Ishukone and Mordu ships in the Intaki system. In time, the Federation was able to resecure all systems in Placid and Verge Vendor, with only a few remaining in Essence. With multiple Caldari megacorporations driven out, many analysts predicted economic upheaval in the State. Only Suukuvestaa maintained holdings in occupied Federation territories. In that same month, the House of Records and Caldari Funds Unlimited testified before the Chief Executive Panel regarding the financial situation onset by the Federation counteroffensive.

As of January 113, all sovereign Gallentean systems remain under Federation control, with the exception of Vifravaert and Ladistier.

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