Border World Enterprises (Player Alliance)

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Revision as of 15:48, 5 March 2011 by DragonHelm III (Talk)

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Name Border World Enterprises
Ticker -BWE-
Type NRDS 0.0 Alliance
Founded 3rd March 2011
Status Active
Contact details
Alliance CEO Irana Alar
Diplomat(s) Irana Alar, Engineer GER
Public Channel BWE Public
Website BWE Website
Executor BWE Holdings Inc
Members Solaris Project
Grand Unified Theory Inc.
Inner Sphere Industries
Murzi Innovations

About Us

Created in 2011, by Irana Alar, Dragonhelm III and Engineer GER. Border World Enterprises aims to be a stabilising force in the Great Wildlands region. A group of corporations operating together to increase the wealth of the whole.

The alliance has a unique setup. Our activity isn't organized by a central organisation. Instead, we use dedicated smaller 'communities', which specialize in one area and area of space. Each community is a semi-independent entity (they set up their own events and manage their own memberships). This allows people to easily make friends outside the boundaries of corporations. Each member corporation will also manage its own membership and recruitment. Participation in this program is largely voluntary.

Our philosophy is
Rich players + Effective Corporations = Good Alliance.

This can only be achieve by starting at the lowest level.
i.e. get everyone wealthy first the rest will follow.


Current Regions Active: Domain, Heimatar, Molden Heath, Great Wildlands
Form of Government: Consensus Democracy
Coalition: Republic Alliance
Alliance Policy: NRDS


Notable events in BWE's history


  • March: Alliance created by Irana Alar



What we offer

- 0.0 Space Access
- Strength in Numbers
- Orca supported mining operations
- Regular NullSec PvP fleet
- Funding for alliance level operations
- Website and Forums
- Alliance TS3 server
- Alliance killboard

Alliance Rules

  • Be polite, at all times. Even against wartargets!
  • No Can flipping
  • No Piracy
  • No Scamming or Exploiting
  • Don't grief or smacktalk.
  • Participation on ops is advised, but not mandatory.
  • Ability to socialize on a friendly basis with alliance members.
  • If possible individuals are encouraged to provide whatever support they can on Alliance or allied ops.

Corporate Applications

For corporate applications join our public channel, as detailed above, place a post on the Alliance Website under "Diplomacy" and evemail one of the Alliance Diplomats.
A convo with the CEO or Director will need to be arranged.
Details collected during this convo will be passed to the Alliance Council.
A vote will take place at the next Council meeting on whether or not to accept the application and the result added to the post created above plus a response will be sent to the CEO.

Requirements for application

  • All corps are to have at least 10 members
  • A monthly membership fee is mandatory
  • All corporations and members within the alliance MUST abide by the rules above.


Dotlan Status Report
Alliance Recruitment Thread
Alliance Killboard
Personal tools
