Test server rules
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Revision as of 18:26, 18 February 2011 by CCP Habakuk (Talk)
Rules of conduct for the public test servers
The two public test servers for EVE Online are Singularity and Multiplicity. The former is more commonly used by players, developers and volunteers to test changes and new features before they are released on the live server, Tranquility. The focal point for player gathering on Singularity is FD-MLJ.
Below are the official rules concerning the test servers.
General rules
- Combat by consent only, except at the FFA beacons in FD-MLJ.
- Do NOT pod kill other characters.
- Do not harass the developers, GM's or volunteers (BugHunters).
- Do not make mass market purchases or create oversized stacks of items. This can affect server stability and performance and will hinder other people's testing.
- Do not mass refine large numbers of ships or items. This can affect server stability and performance.
- Keep Local Communications in English. As with the forums, it is the common language for the testers.
- Selling items on the Test server for ISK on TQ is not allowed.
- Do not litter. Dropping large numbers of secure containers, control towers, ships etc can affect server stability and performance.
- As a general rule, refrain from actions that might interfere with others' testing.
- The rules of conduct for the Tranquility server apply on the test servers as well (no offensive language, harassment etc).
- There will be NO spawning of items, boosting of skills or transports (except transports to FD-MLJ, join the channel moveme for this).
FD-MLJ specific additional rules
- No Capital ships or fighter drones outside the FFA2 beacon.
- Do not use mass warp disruption (bubbles/spheres) at the beacons, stations or gates.
- Do not drop secure containers or other trash at the beacons or stations.
- Do not fight outside the stations.
- Do not use bombs.
- Do not pod kill other characters; if you use smartbombs, be double careful.
Rules concerning POS, sovereignty and conquerable stations
- The first person to put up a sovereignty-claiming tower in an unclaimed system (that has no sovereignty) is entitled to hold sovereignty in that system.
- Exceptions from the above rule: If the sovereignty claiming is done with malicious intent, i.e. to disrupt other players' testing, the right to sovereignty is void.
- If the sovereignty-claiming tower should go offline, the player loses the right to claim sovereignty in that system after the system becomes unclaimed again.
- No politics on the test server. Leave your Tranquility conflicts behind when you log on the test server.
- Claiming sovereignty in a system already claimed by another alliance is classed as griefing, disrupting of the test server and non-consensual combat.
- If a player gains ownership of a conquerable station he/she must NOT restrict access to that station and the station services in any way.
- The rule concerning non-consensual combat includes starbases and starbase structures. Do not attack starbases without permission from the owner!
- Any breach of the rules will be met with harsh uncaring reactions (ie permabanned from testing for first offence).
- All test server bans, unless otherwise stated, are until the next mirror. All those people complaining of their ban and saying "I didn't take large amounts" need to consider the fact, that we check every persons hanger before banning.
- Harassing Devs, GMs, or BugHunter's on the #eve-chaos channel in attempt to avoid a ban or have it lifted will result in ban extensions.