Angel Vigil

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The Angel Vigil is an deadspace site found through exploration in any region that contains Angel pirates. The gates will permit frigate (and their T2 counterparts) Cruisers and Battlecruisers.

This deadspace pocket is divided into two parts:

Part 1

This consists of sentry towers and a quantity of Angels guarding a closed acceleration gate. This gate can be unlocked by the proper tag (Angel Gold Tag) or by shooting the Smuggler Gate (you do not have to destroy, merely shooting at it once is sufficient) to spawn the Smuggler Commander. Destroying this particular rat unlocks the gate.

Initail Spawn:

10 Angel Sentry Tower

3 Gistum Liquidator (Cruiser)

3 Gistum Primus (Battlecruiser)

1 Gistatis Smuggler Guard (Battlecruiser)

First Spawn:

2 Gistii Impaler (Frigate)

3 Gistatis Tribuni (Battlecruiser)

1 Gistatis Smuggler Commander (Battlecruiser)

Part 2

It is advised to destroy the ships first as they will not cause further spawns. Damaging the stasis tower will cause spawn 1. A second spawn is created upon damaging any of the missile towers.

Initail Spawn:

3 Gistum Phalanx (Cruisers)

4 Gistior Defiler (Destroyer)

2 Gistior Haunter (Destroyer)

3 Gistatis Primus (Battlecruiser)

2 Angel Stasis Tower (Trigger for Spawn 1)

2 Angel light missile Battery (Trigger for Spawn 2)

2 Angel heavy missile Battery (May trigger spawn 2 if damaged before the light missile batteries)

Spawn 1:

2 Gistum Marauder (Cruiser)

6 Gistatis Primus (Battlecruiser)

3 Gistum Liquidator (Cruiser)

4 Arch Gistii Ruffian (Frigate- Target Painting)

Spawn 2:

2 Gistor Seizer (Destroyer)

2 Gistor Defacer (Destroyer)

2 Arch Gistii Ambusher (Frigate)

3 Gistatis Primus (Battlecruiser)

2 Gistatis Legionnaire (Battlecruiser)

Once all the rats and towers are destroyed, you will notice there is a station in the large Snake-shaped asteriods call Pat Shipyard. Again taking a single shot at this will cause the spawn of Pat Wead and his cohorts. Killing Pat wead will give you the faction drop and salvage if any. This is a cruiser sized spawn.

Shipyard Spawn:

Pat Wead (Faction Cruiser)

3 Wead Fighter (Frigate)

3 Wead Guardian (Battlecruiser)

May Escalate

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