Talk:Main Page

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Revision as of 12:53, 2 February 2011 by StinkRay (Talk)

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Current Discussions

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For General questions, not linked to the main page, please go to the Frequently Asked Questions Talk Page

Multilanguage Support, eh?

Is it possible to add multilanguage support to this wiki? i.e. to give players ability to read articles in theis native language. It's not a big problem to gather people for translating, but it's impossible because we dont have proper ML and Unicode support --Xndr 78 21:00, 7 December 2009 (UTC)

It is possible, and we do want to have a multi-lingual wiki but we are trying to concentrate on getting the EVElopedia itself in tip top shape and get the resources for translating. If there is a big community will to help with this then we would be more than happy to hear from such a team of people. --CCP Ginger 11:18, 5 August 2010 (UTC)


I don't think the main page is very useful for someone wanting to find out more information. The only reason someone will visit Evelopedia is if they have something specific to search for and even then they may not get the right search terms in.

I think it would be nice to come to the front page and see things like "Today's Feature Article", "In the News", "On this Day", etc type things. For Evelopedia it would be different although a Featured Article could be a series of links to various entires: Featured NPC Corporation, Featured Player Corporation, Featured Item, Featured System, etc. Sometimes people may come to the site in search of one thing and find something else very useful.\ --Dex Nederland 04:08, 8 June 2009 (GMT)

Couldnt agree more. Were working on a redesign of the main page, because lets face it, its not very good. But we also have a new style on the way (think EVE Gatey) and I have a dev blog to write about that. But will be chatting to you all about it soon. But rest assured this is very much on our minds. YARR and myself would very much like to hear the communities suggestions on this. I personally think AION wiki's main page is rather nice. --CCP Ginger 11:20, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

The layout of the main page is a wreck. What is this purpose of the wiki? This needs to be clear when glancing at the first page. I thought the point was to have some kind of evolving manual. As such, it should focus on what you DO in the game. A new player, and old player alike, should get a good idea what the game is about by glancing at this page. Different professions, different ways of playing the game (types of combat, industry / trading etc, politics) should somehow be summarized. An overview of the ship and item database would be nice as well. Remove all the crap about volunteering from the main page, leave it to some subpage. Put the game in focus! I'm not sure how this is done - or I would have done it myself - but the first page really need some love. It's heresy, but I suggest looking at the official guild wars wiki for inspiration.

Example: Band of Brothers (Player alliance)

Compare the current revision (which had wikilinks added left and right upon submittal) to the draft (which has most redundant/irrelevant wikilinks stripped). Elyon Itari 12:10, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

Can you explain a bit better what is the problem here ? If it is the autolinker, there is unfortunately nothing we can do atm. --ISD Elumiel 13:14, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

ParserFunction missing

Can we get Parser Function installed? It is an extra module on MediaWiki 1.70 and above. More info at the MediaWiki website. Otherwise, it's hard to make templates that are adaptable, and are pretty rigid otherwise. In particular, Template:ShipFit is having to look like Template:ShipFitBlind, which is not good, I want to differentiate between purposefully empty slots. There might be another way to do this, but right now, it's missing functionality. Direct comments to my talk page, thanks. Oh yeah, the moderation module is breaking Redirects, until they are approved. Once they're approved, they redirect just fine. --Kismeteer 08:51, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

Note, this is still an on-going problem and will inhibit proper use of templates in the future. As of the last week of 2008, this request was denied, so don't use the #if clause in any template creation. --Kismeteer 21:47, 2 January 2009 (UTC)
Parser function is not something CCP is planning to implement at the moment on the EVElopedia --ISD Elumiel 13:15, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
Were adding this now (at last!). It might be held back from the live server until the full release. YARR and myself will keep you updated once we have it on the staging server.
--CCP Ginger 11:23, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

Character and Corporation templates need fixing for IGB

The character and corporation templates both have a right-floated table with global info as well as the portrait / logo image. In the ingame browser, these tables show up left-aligned in front of the content text, effectively making these pages unreadable. As the EVElopedia is supposed to be ingame browser compatible, I think it would be good to modify these templates so they are at least readable.

Template: Character Example: AeonOfTime

Template: Player Corporation Example: Syrkos Technologies

does this still apply with the new IGB (TQ is down cant check atm)
--CCP Ginger 11:26, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

Not following naming conventions

Warning: Too many articles is not following the naming conventions. I urge the moderators to do something about it.
--ingenting 23:29, 29 January 2009 (UTC)

There is a new tag that you can add to such pages to list them in a Category. Template:nc

I encourage players to help with this as well. Majority of articles are no longer moderated although please keep within the conventions laid out by YARR (or put forward an argument for their change if you think this needs to happen)
--CCP Ginger 11:28, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

Not such a big thing but...

It would be nice if someone (or many people) can add some more details to item and ship pages. As they stand, they are pretty useless, when I can simply use the in-game browser for stats. I mean like extra information not covered by the stat screen, such as info like "Iridium is the most powerful out of Blaster ammunition types" or whatever, or "Many new players stick with the Tristan for a time because of its strengths in thing and thing"

They need a human touch, in short. Stats only tell the reader so much. --Nitro Landar 01:43, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

Well, the fundamental idea behind the wiki is for players to edit these pages and add their own content to them to make the EVElopedia more informative, you are welcome to change/add info to these pages if you wish ISD Erilus Nex 18:17, 14 February 2009 (UTC)
I second Nitro here. that is the kind of infos I'd also expected to find here ("Many new players stick with the Tristan for a time because of its strengths..."). well, its work in progress I guess...--It'Pannaih 10:12, 18 March 2009 (UTC)
Well yeah, I know that, but the problem is I don't know anything. I couldn't write anything of use, but I'm sure some people have the list of the best ships and fittings memorized, for example. --Nitro Landar 14:22, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

Category listing too cluttered

I notice that there's a List Exempt category to avoid having solar systems in the random page selector. Might I suggest that Constellations and Regions be added to some sort of List exempt category so they don't appear in the category list?

Also, the Category Tree tool isn't very useful and should probably be replaced with something similar to the textual category tree

--Alezra 23:32, 25 February 2009 (UTC)

Finding the Evelopedia

Is there a link to the Evelopedia from the website? I've never found it. I have to do a 'search' to get an article to get directly here. --Marconi Bandr 00:15, 27 March 2009 (UTC)

Our main page is an archaic mess. But you are right there should be an evelopedia link on that (and eve gate) but will look into it.
--CCP Ginger 11:32, 5 August 2010 (UTC)
Actually there are links to the evelopedia and to eve gate. They are placed at the bottom of the navigation menu.
--ISD Keitiro 11:46, 10 August 2010 (UTC)

CSM should be mentioned

I suggest the CSM be mentioned on the front page. A possible abstract topic would be something like "participation". Or the ISD Voluteer programm could be subgrouped with such a topic to be created.

I will see if we can come up with anything regarding the CSM being displayed on the front page. However subgrouping it with the ISD volunteer program wont happen. --ISD Eshtir 10:02, 6 July 2009 (GMT)

Thanks ! The suggested grouping was just a quick shot. Any other categorization will be appreciated, as long as it does happen. ;)--Erik Finnegan 06:17, 16 July 2009 (GMT)

Erik Finnegan 16:17, 6 August 2009 (GMT): Guys, I really think that CSM should be mentioned on the front page of evelopedia....

It now is, but were going to redesign the whole front page anyway which is long overdue.
--CCP Ginger 11:34, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

Epic mission arc requests

I could use some help with the epic mission arc pages. I am completing the Gallente one, and will most likely go to work on the minmatar one afterwards. If someone else could at least put down the structure for the Caldari or Amarr, that would be great. If someone has completed either, you can pull it up using your standings to give the names. Eve Survival has some of this as well. A link on the main page would help considerably as well. --Kismeteer 00:45, 31 August 2009 (UTC)

Not all of chronicles is available for editing

The Black Mountain series of chronicles is unavailable for editing. It rated as Requires Cleanup. I think that I could to do some edits, but I have no access to it whereas other chronicles is editable. --Heritor Skoliya 17:11, 20 September 2009 (UTC)

I will talk to our chronicle dude but its my thinking that we shouldnt really have these as editable. But I hate having locked pages tbh. I'll see what he says and we'll have one rule for them all.
--CCP Ginger 11:36, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

Keep Main Page Updated

Replace Dominion Patch Notes with Tyrannis Patch Notes on the main page. --Phoenix Benu 18:17, 9 June 2010 (UTC)

It seems that the EVElopedia site has been forgot about IMHO. If not prove me wrong and update the announcements and add some features. --Zendoren 07:55, 28 June 2010 (UTC)
Maybe a forum thread... I'd still not expect it to change for some time tho tbh. Daquaris 06:21, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
Looks like they've fixed it at last. Daquaris 03:23, 4 August 2010 (UTC)
Were going to redesign that whole mess. Suggestions and ideas more than welcome. --CCP Ginger 11:37, 5 August 2010 (UTC)
Replace Tyrannis Patch Notes with Incursion patch notes on the main page. --Phoenix Benu 10:19, 9 December 2010 (UTC)

Changes for the main page

Add this line to the end of the main page :
Changes for the main page can be proposed here.
--Phoenix Benu 10:43, 20 July 2010 (UTC)
Added --CCP Ginger 11:37, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

Font Size

I've been editing a number of pages that include large quantities of text in a paragraph. I've noticed that the small default font size can make large quantities of text difficult to read. A number of editors solve this problem by breaking text up into smaller paragraphs of a few lines. I've noticed the current font size combined with the page width restrictions generally leaves 20+ words on a single line, which seems like a lot.

I've compared the site to a number of other wiki's and noticed that a larger font size and slightly wider line height really improves readability.

An example from the Amarr page:

Standard Text

The Amarrians rule a vast Empire, the largest and oldest of the four empires. Ruled by a mighty Empress, this vast theocratic society is supported by a broad foundation of Minmatar slave labor. Amarrian citizens tend to be highly educated and fervent individuals, and as a culture adheres to the basic tenet that what others call slavery is in fact one step on a spiritual path towards fully embracing their faith. As a result, the Empire remains the most stable and militarily powerful nation-state in New Eden, despite several setbacks in recent history.

Size 10 Font Text

The Amarrians rule a vast Empire, the largest and oldest of the four empires. Ruled by a mighty Empress, this vast theocratic society is supported by a broad foundation of Minmatar slave labor. Amarrian citizens tend to be highly educated and fervent individuals, and as a culture adheres to the basic tenet that what others call slavery is in fact one step on a spiritual path towards fully embracing their faith. As a result, the Empire remains the most stable and militarily powerful nation-state in New Eden, despite several setbacks in recent history.

150% spacing

The Amarrians rule a vast Empire, the largest and oldest of the four empires. Ruled by a mighty Empress, this vast theocratic society is supported by a broad foundation of Minmatar slave labor. Amarrian citizens tend to be highly educated and fervent individuals, and as a culture adheres to the basic tenet that what others call slavery is in fact one step on a spiritual path towards fully embracing their faith. As a result, the Empire remains the most stable and militarily powerful nation-state in New Eden, despite several setbacks in recent history.

Size 10 Font Text & 150% spacing

The Amarrians rule a vast Empire, the largest and oldest of the four empires. Ruled by a mighty Empress, this vast theocratic society is supported by a broad foundation of Minmatar slave labor. Amarrian citizens tend to be highly educated and fervent individuals, and as a culture adheres to the basic tenet that what others call slavery is in fact one step on a spiritual path towards fully embracing their faith. As a result, the Empire remains the most stable and militarily powerful nation-state in New Eden, despite several setbacks in recent history.

Fridge Chesthair 04:49, 7 August 2010 (UTC)

Submit Wndow Width

I've noticed that the submit window is a little small for a wiki site. Yes, it corresponds with the font size, but on a large monitor it can be frustrating having to work in a text field that is 1/4 of the monitor wide.

Is there any chance the width of the submit window could be changed to a variable width that corresponds to the browser width? Fridge Chesthair 21:12, 18 August 2010 (UTC)

Wiki robot

Is there a way we can mark pages so that the next time the wiki robot is run it affects a certain page? --Phoenix Benu 10:16, 9 December 2010 (UTC)

Please note: Below are all archived discussions. Current or new discussions should be added directly above this hint.

Archived Discussion

Move categories to the top

First time I checked out the new wiki site and I completely missed the categories down at the bottom of this page and wondered where all the content was hidden.

Newcomers who want to browse should see the categories more prominently, like at the top of the this page.

This is a good suggestion but unfortunately moving categories on top would break the page design.--ISD Elumiel 13:12, 21 March 2009 (UTC)

Yep, afraid we will be keeping the categories down the bottom, its standard wiki and we really want the top to be dominated by the article itself and not get over cluttered. --CCP Ginger 11:22, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

Auto linking is overzealous

Ginger Note: Autolinker is now not on by default, you can autolink using the "get links for autolinker" button on edits. --CCP Ginger 11:30, 5 August 2010 (UTC)

The Autolinking feature on saving an article is currently overzealous, and needs some additional rules added to it:

  • Do not autolink to the same page that is being written
  • Do not autolink to redirects to the same page that is being written
  • Do not autolink on the same word more than once in a sub-heading area
    • Eg. You don't need to links to Serenity Steele more than once in a document level, because a second link to Serenity Steele does not assist the reader and only makes it harder to read.
Adding to list (fully agree). DrAtomic 00:58, 22 December 2008 (UTC)
  • Dont link generic words that are common to use in eve related articles
    • Eg. POS, corp, pvp, cep, corporation, PVP, CEO, etc.
      • Indeed, good point. Daquaris 17:12, 30 December 2008 (UTC)
      • I disagree, at least to some extent. Having a single link to the first reference of a POS or other moderately advanced (for inexperienced players, anyway) subjects seems meaningful. Elyon Itari 05:24, 14 February 2009 (UTC)
Is autolinking forcefully enabled for every edit? I just spent an entire evening rewriting an article (including the removal of redundant links), only to have most of these links added again automatically. To be quite honest, I would personally much prefer manual wikilinking, since it seems the autolinking feature does more harm than good (for now, anyway). Elyon Itari 05:24, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

Hi there, I'll forward your suggestions to the developers, but this has been an ongoing issue since before the wiki was launched, and it is unlikely to be disabled at any time in the near future. The only way to remove them is to add <nowiki></nowiki> tags around words you don't want autolinked, which is not ideal but it's the only option we have at the moment. ISD Erilus Nex 18:16, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

Then, I would like to know - would anyone mind (or rather, would it be a problem in general) if I temporarily <nowiki'ed> some links in particarly offending articles (those with a disturbing amount of irrelevant autolinks)? Since, in my opinion, it really makes some articles unreadable, and completely destroys what use the proper links might have had, and leaves quite a bit of EVElopedia articles below acceptable with regards to readability (and thus, usefulness). Of course, these are quite possibly just my thoughts, but ... well? Elyon Itari 11:02, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
No, no problem in using the nowiki tag in some articles, that's the only way we can operate right now. --ISD Elumiel 13:16, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
Any update on this? The overzealous linking is nothing short of a typographical nightmare, it renders the evelopedia near unreadable. At the very least, have the autolinker link only once per section and not in templates. Should be easy enough to adapt the code. --Hanna Soykannen, a severely disgusted (de-)Wikipedia admin 16:17, 31 May 2009 (GMT)
The autolinker has recieved some love from the developers and should not be so aggressive anymore. --ISD Eshtir 10:09, 6 July 2009 (GMT)

EVElopedia Guide link needs fixing

The link titled EVElopedia guide at the bottom of the page currently links to Guide, but probably should link to EVElopedia guide

--Bel Amar 21:24, 10 April 2009 (UTC)

fixed --ISD BH Lenider 16:55, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

'Cateory' tag causing links to inconsistantly disapear in body text.


Perhaps a minor issue, but I've noticed that while trying to add links to constellations the text dissapears

Like in the following example: [[Category:VW7-YN_(Constellation)|Text which should be visible]].

Checking the edit should show that an entry was in fact made in the gaps both above and below.
Sometimes it works for, [[category:Deklein_(Region)|Regions such as Dek]] and standard categories like [[Category:Jove_(Race)|races for one]]. Links such as [[Category:0.0_Alliances|Zerozero alliances]], seem to work sometimes but not always and I can't see any consistant method of making it work. In some articles - including some of my own - it works, in others, it doesn't.

My primary issue, this is not usually a problem as alternate links can be found for everything except constellations. No page exists for them outside of a category tag.
When attempting to link constellations for which no page exists (They are catagories, and have no actual pages that I can find) and no redirect has been made such as for UTQ-BO then the result is 29V-1R.
I'm probably over-complicating the issue, but I don't see why the category: tag sometimes causes the link to disapear, but not always, and the only solution to the constellation problem appears to add redirects where needed.
Interscene 01:37, 14 May 2009 (GMT)

If you make a link like [[Category|Name]], it simply adds the article to a category. Hence no link showing up. However, if you make a link like [[:Category|Name]] the : turns it into a link rather than adding the article to that category. --ISD Salpsan 03:50, 14 May 2009 (GMT)
Aha! So it does. Thank you~ --Interscene 00:56, 17 May 2009 (GMT)

Add Color to the Probing Spheres.

I think the Exploration and Probing part of this game is fantastic!! I really enjoy finding things unseen out there, it gives a good feeling of accomplishment once Ive located a signature.

My only thought towards Probing that would make it a lot better than it already is, is to allow the player to customize the color for the Probes Spheres. Nothing fancy, just your regular common colors would be fine.

Reason I bring this up is that when Ive found a signature and am working my probes to get a hit on the signature, I find that at times, I cant really tell which sphere is overlapping what, no matter how many times I change my view point.

I believe that enabling a color feature for the probes' sphere would reduce this confusion considerably. I realize that when the intial scan reveals there is something in space, it already shows a sphere in "red". Perhaps this color can be changed/set by the player as well, or just make it so "red" isnt a color option for the probes' sphere.

Thx for reading :)

To let you know, the forums (Features & Ideas) would have been a good place to post this. --Dex Nederland 03:51, 29 June 2009 (GMT)

Missing space

  • At the bottom of the page, under "Categories", there is a missing space after "Evelopedia Guides" before the "|" on the main page. At present it reads:

[[Frequently_Asked_Questions|FAQs]] | [[EVElopedia guide|EVElopedia Guide]]| [[:category:Player Events|Player Events]]

  • It should go:

[[Frequently_Asked_Questions|FAQs]] | [[EVElopedia guide|EVElopedia Guide]] | [[:category:Player Events|Player Events]]

  • OFC, without the nowiki tags. Daquaris 19:50, 15 September 2009 (UTC)
Still broken on the front page. Daquaris 15:03, 20 January 2010 (UTC)
Space added. --CCP Habakuk 20:38, 20 January 2010 (UTC)

Featured Articles

There are 2 articles on Planetary Interaction.

Featured Articles is pointing to the (horrible) official page. The other one is better.

Done. --ISD Salpsan 19:49, 19 October 2010 (UTC) sure ? Still linking to instead of on my screen.

Alternatively, you might want to link

Self promotion FTW :)

- Louis

It's linking to the correct page, maybe try refreshing the main page? The featured article bit is actually a template, rather than an edit you do to the actual main page. --ISD Salpsan 18:33, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
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