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Andrey Antonov
born 1978.12.09 USSR

Why Korvin?

Korvin - a transliterated to Russian and back name Corwin, a character from the Chronicles of Amber, a series of books written by Roger Zelazny.

The Amber stories take place in two, true worlds: Amber, and the Courts of Chaos. Other worlds, including our Earth, are but "shadows" of the tension between the two true worlds. The Courts of Chaos is situated in Shadow at the very edge of Chaos itself. Royals of Amber who have negotiated the Pattern, can travel freely through the shadows. By shifting between shadows, one can appear to alter reality by choosing which elements of which shadows to keep, and which to move between.

With this philosophy Corvin on our Earth playing the game is a shadow of Corwin of Amber, and Korvin in game is a shadow of this player.

Why this dude is here, and what he does in EVE?

Korvin and his alter chars started to play EVE since 2004.
Inspired by Elite and X2 he started his life as a space trader, knowing almost nothing about the world of EVE.

After he gained some experience and started to haul goods in lowsec - 0.0 entrances, he learned how to escape pirates, and studied their behaviour and tactics.

After some experiments in Deadspace anomalies he started his new chapter joining 0.0 corporation Solar Dragon's Nest, the academy of a legendary Solar Dragons corporation, that was in old Red Alliance at that time.

Later, when RA policy had started to change, his corporation left RA coalition, and created their own independent alliance, known as Voodoo Technologies, and as time passed by, Korvin was elected as a leader of this alliance, and managed it for 2 years, keeping it fun, mobile and deadly, and counting 600 active pilots at the end.

Once this alliance had found it's home in 0.0 space, claiming their own space as a part of a new Drone Regions Coalition, formed by Solar Fleet, Legion of xXDEATHXx and Red Alliance, he left his alliance to seek something new, and settled between lowsec and highsec systems, had fun with pirates and highsec wars, flying small ships for fun, and made a kind of cult of Sentinel ship - killing everyone in Deadspace anomalies with it, including a legendary Utu, a rare ship costs 40 bil and bought by YinandYang to hunt Sentinels.

2009.12.02 Korvin was elected as a Council of Stellar Management on a CSM4, running on a program of making small fixes first (also known as a lower hanging fruits) and boost Gallente.

2010.05.26 Korvin was re-elected on a CSM5, focusing his program on a balance issues, with a statements: "Do no harm is a priority", "There should be no useless players", "There should be no useless items", "Each race should keep their own style" and "No new features before fixing old features". This election was remembered by players for "+1 initiative", when those who voted for Korvin had posted +1 in his election topic for support.


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